Expand your social circle in Saint Lucia

Hello everyone,

Moving to Saint Lucia means leaving one's family and friends behind. Creating a circle of friends or joining an existing one should therefore be paramount in order to fight loneliness in your host country.

But how can one develop a social network in Saint Lucia? Where and how to meet people there?

How easy is it to meet locals? What about cultural specificities?

Share your advice and experience!

Many thanks in advance,


When l moved here joined the Yacht Club, got involved with S.L.A.P.S. (St. Lucia Animal Protection Society) and socialized in night spots.  Made a nice group of close friends.  We do dinners at each others' homes and game nights besides getting together outside of the house.


I forgot to mention that the cultural differences are pretty blended here.  Of course among the small town/less educated islanders one sees it more.  But they are so friendly and respond well to kindness and a smile.  😀