Immigration Attorney Recommendation

From all that I am hearing/reading about, It would probably be well worth it to hire an immigration attorney to help with my residency visa application. I am looking at Quito and will likely plan a return visit this Sept. Can anyone recommend a reliable and reasonably priced attorney or firm that specializes in immigration issues? Thanks.

Check out the website for  Reasonably priced and good references.

Will do. Thanks.

The Quito law firm of Olalla & Riquelme has the only attorneys who seem to be listed on Ecuador's directory of EC attorneys.  Their office is located near one of the main government buildings where visa applications are processed.

My highly-recommended immigration attorney, Sebastian Cordero of Quito, fits your criteria.  [email protected] ....
He enabled me to get my investment visa and cédula.

cccmedia in Quito