Cours a domicile a Hurghada?


je suis une jeune femme de 18 ans j'habite a hurghada depuis quelques mois.

j'aimerai reprendre mes etudes, on m'a parle du CNED , d'une ecole francaise qui se trouvait a el gouna mais le seul probleme et que j'aimerai suivre des cours a domcile (ou je travaillerai seul mes devoirs, examens etc)

Connaissez-vous le tariff? les demarches a suivre? car je me trouve en ce moment en egypte et je ne sais pas trop comment ca se passe

Merci de votre aide

Hello Hurghada,

I think you can do it if not in Hurghada, you can register at any french international school all over Egypt.

Doing all stuff at home and end of the year going to attend exams is also possible but in a non official way, which means you will need to arrange that with school management and most cases they accept (if you pay some more money for the school or buy them something like PC, printer, projector...etc)

Regarding fees they might range from 1000 to 3000 Euros/Year depending on school type and location.

I did that for my kids but they were a bit younger than you :D they were at KG grades, they are also not Egyptians like you but I could register them at one school in my city and they come only during Examination time and luckily they passed :)

Welcome to Egypt I wish you all the best and keep going with Education :)


Le CNED a un site qui fournit toutes les explications.
Sinon tu peux me contacter moi par mail:

[email protected]
(J'ai travaillé avec eux pendant longtemps).
Bonne chance

Merci Bchris de votre reponse , je vous ai envoyé un mail :)