Prepaid internet card in egypt

Hey there.
I am 17 years old and i was wondering if I can get this prepaid visa card from AAIB
and if i can, do i need to get some paperwork or something ?
also does it work on amazon and sites like that ?

you are Egyptian - surely you should be able to ask a mate / family and find your own answers quickewr then we can give them to you - also the paperwork could be different due to your ager and the fact that you are Egyptian!!

Very simple,,,sure you can...

yes just with your id , there's a program for youth under 21 and u receive visa electron and internet card .

you need just your I.D or Passort not more.
you wont have an account there, it will be just a card not more, for any help just tell me.

It's account also and i did it for my bro in NSGB .

askanas wrote:

It's account also and i did it for my bro in NSGB .

he was talking about AAIB, so i told him that they will make a card without having an account, but in other banks, every one have his own system :)