Research for TV show


Im working for a TV production company and im doing reasearch to find the weirdest, creepiest, most bizarre and strange that could be found in Mongolia. Can somebody help me out?

Hope you can help me out here :)


Yes , i can help you out. I'm very good researcher, you can tell me

How about the Mongolian Death Worms of the Gobi?

They already did the documentary on Mongolian Death Worms.

That's interesting - who did a documentary on those? 

For real things, some could include:
Boodog - meat cooked inside the abdominal cavity of a marmot (or goat) with hot rocks, and the fur torched off of the outside.
The vodka aisle in grocery stores.
Traditions/customs like shake hands if you step on someone's foot, don't sit at the corner of a table or you won't get married, if you trip leaving a ger you should come back in and put another piece of wood in the fire.
Huge fish - Mongolian Taimen
Mongolian throat singing

Most of these not that weird, creepy or bizarre - just a bit unusual for people new to the country.

Paul, I know lots of people in reality TV production. You should be working a bit harder...