Moving to Belo Horizonte...


Hi Shelley

I am a brazilian living in BH. The cost of living here is not compared to São Paulo, the highest in Brazil, but it is not cheaper as in country side. For example in average , a flat 3 bed costs R$ 1000, a private school R$ 600,00 , diet coke 300 ml R$ 1,50 , big Mac R$ 8,50 , petrol ( 1 liter) R$ 2,50 , milk ( liter ) R$ 1,50. So R$ 5 500, 00 per month  means an economic life. In my opinion , R$ 8000,00 at least is a reasonable salary

I hope helped you


Welcome!  Glad you are coming.

As an American living in BH, you will need at least R$10,000 per month and if your children will attend The American School you will need significantly more.  There is a small Canadian elementary school that is significantly less expensive (Canada Bear School) and Instituto de Crianca (private Brazilian school) that is R$700/month but no English spoken if you children are very young and can adjust to a great, small and good school.

Hope this helps :)

Shelly I would agree with the other two posts. $5500 will be very hard to do with three children. I just moved here from Miami and I would consider it MORE expensive here for MOST things. The cheap commodity here is labor. It's cheap to have a maid, a gardener or any other unskilled laborer, but products are very expensive and the quality is inferior...even on name brand products. My wife and I have committed to ship products here from the states for our daily use.

I'll give you one quick example. My wife shopped at COSTCO in the states for our baby diapers. She paid $0.16 - $0.18 per diaper. In BH, the very cheapest we've found them is around $0.48 per diaper and the quality is no where near the COSTCO brand. Believe it or not...Huggies makes them here...just as in the states.

Good luck on your move. Despite its faults this is a beautiful place to be...