Social Security

I'm considering moving to Ecuador but have heard that if I'm living out of the USA for more than 30 days I will not be able to continue receiving my social security payment. Is there anyone who might have any experience with this possible problem?

Call the social security office or go on their website to find the answer. Get it from the dead horses mouth so to speak.

That is a myth, hundreds of US citizens live abroad permanently on their Social Security income, and the SS Administration will not penalize them.

What you must do is change the way you receive your funds: ask the SS Administration to deposit your retirement money directly to your bank account, you will need to give them the Bank name, address, bank number and your account number. Once the first deposit is made, you will withdraw the funds from the bank as needed. In Ecuador, you will be able to withdraw funds with ATM card. The Social Security Administration will never know that you are living abroad if you do not want them to.