Question on accommodation

Hi all,

I just arrived to Indonesia on Monday and currently in Bogor.  I will move to Jakarta on 18th for a month and am now looking for accommodation options in Jakarta.

Since I am not staying for too long, I am looking for both guesthouses and apartment.  I have found a place at Kuningan Area, but my work place is at East Jakarta (near Park Hotel)...

I appreciate if anyone can share with me how much time I may need to travel from Kunigan Area to my work place... and if you have any suggestion on where may be more convenience for me to stay..

Many thanks!

Jakarta traffic is terrible unless it's atrocious.
Live near to your place of work.
I've just google mapped the places and added the 'traffic' layer.
The jams don't look too bad at this time in the evening but they can be worse than Freddy Kruger could think of for a nightmare.
(That's using Jalan Tol)