Validity of Brazilian Marriage Residency


Does anyone know if you have a permanent marriage residency without expiration, do you still have to come back to Brazil every so often to keep it valid? Or is it valid forever no matter where you are or how much time you spend in Brazil?

    02/04/24 Hello,Does anyone know if you have a permanent marriage residency without expiration, do you still have to come back to Brazil every so often to keep it valid? Or is it valid forever no matter where you are or how much time you spend in Brazil?        -@jasonlovesdogs

As far as I know, even a resident with a CRNM that says "indeterminada" in the validity space can't spend more than two years out of Brazil without the risk of losing it.  Even returning for a day is enough to keep it valid.

See the question "Por motivos alheios a minha vontade, permaneci mais de 2 (dois) anos ininterruptos fora do país. Perdi minha autorização de residência?"  here: … ntes2/capa

    Hello,Does anyone know if you have a permanent marriage residency without expiration, do you still have to come back to Brazil every so often to keep it valid? Or is it valid forever no matter where you are or how much time you spend in Brazil?        -@jasonlovesdogs

As far as I know and have ever heard, Abthree is totally correct, the time frame is two years from the day/date of departure, failure to return within that two-year time frame, and having your passport stamped terminates your RNM status. Typically, this would mean starting your Residency process over from scratch. There is one man in another group who "claims" he regained his Permanent Residency after a several-year absence, but I would need to see some documentation before buying into that. 

From what I have learned, this is perhaps the single biggest reason to become a citizen of Brasil rather than a simple Permanent Resident.

   02/04/24 There is one man in another group who "claims" he regained his Permanent Residency after a several-year absence, but I would need to see some documentation before buying into that. 

From what I have learned, this is perhaps the single biggest reason to become a citizen of Brasil rather than a simple Permanent Resident.


According to the "Dúvidas Frequentes" link that I cited above, if residents can justify their absences to the PF, they can be approved in spite of crossing the two year mark, but since they may also NOT be approved, the obvious question is "why risk it?"  The scrutiny probably is a lot like the way they look at your absences for the "continuous residence" requirement to be naturalized:  they looked at my absences (which were few and brief) and were pretty mellow about them -- but they did look!

@jasonlovesdogs entry 1 time evety 2 years needed

i have it

It is important to remember that a permanent visa is a privilege, not a right. Given that you have applied to be a permanent resident it is perfectly reasonable for the Brazilian authorities to expect you to behave like one! Leave 2 years between visits and expect them to refuse you admission…

I have a VIPER as well.

Back in 2022 I flew down to GRU and stayed in the airport hotel 4 nights just to reset the 2 year rule again, as travel during covid was all messed up.