Ep approved but DP takes more time


I have my EP approved but my wife's DP application is pending for more than 3weeks.

The DP was applied separately as I was unmarried at the time of EP application and a few days after my IPA for EP, I was married and told the HR to apply with the necessary documents.

I am now turning a little impatient as I have not resigned yet from the current company as I am waiting for the DP approval.

Is waiting the right thing to do here Or should I resign thinking DP will be approved that the EP is, if not now, in some more time?


P.s: Feel free to close this if it was already asked topic that I missed reading.

@expat_indian The answer depends on what you want and which risks you are willing to take!

There is no guarantee when (or if) the DP will be issued.

Fortunately, Dp got approved today. 1f600.svg

Congratulations @expat_indian 1f60d.svg

Best wishes


Expat.com team