Finding a suitable place to live in a new country.

Finding a place when you are traveling is difficult, especially a safe place in a stranger country. Do you have any experience finding a living place in Viet Nam? Do you have any tips to share for people who are gonna another country?

Finding a place when you are traveling is difficult, especially a safe place in a stranger country. Do you have any experience finding a living place in Viet Nam? Do you have any tips to share for people who are gonna another country?
-@cam Nguyenthimong

I see you are a Vietnamese citizen.

Are you a real estate/rental agent?

Finding a place when you are traveling is difficult, especially a safe place in a stranger country. Do you have any experience finding a living place in Viet Nam? Do you have any tips to share for people who are gonna another country?
-@cam Nguyenthimong

And lord knows that there is no "stranger country" than VN :)

Tips? Yes. Get a VN friend to do the scouting for you. Almost guaranteed to be less expensive that way.

And for goodness sake, avoid real estate and rental agents, especially those who advertise in English.

Love this thread.  1f603.svg. It is confirmation of my assumption that readers can easily identify shills (#124 here … =4#5539048 )

Do you have any tips to share for people who are gonna another country?
-@cam Nguyenthimong

Yes, find a trusted local friend to help you find accommodations.  It will be much cheaper than using an agent who is only looking to get a month's worth of rent as a commission.  Plus the local will help you find listings that are only in Vietnamese which tend to be less expensive for an identical unit than a unit advertised for rent in English.