Lifestyle - Expat Magazine

Opinion: Will the COVID-19 crisis completely change global mobility?
Opinion: Will the COVID-19 crisis completely change global mobility?
This week, the Expat Mag is offering you a special dossier. Our team has attempted to anticipate the new expatriation trends imposed on us by the COVID-19 crisis. Julien, the founder of, gives us an insight of what could be the changes over the next few months...
Retiring abroad after the COVID-19 crisisÂ…
Retiring abroad after the COVID-19 crisisÂ… is launching a special dossier over the coming week. We aim to uncover the consequences of the COVID-19 crisis on global mobility. Indeed, the pandemic has brought very significant changes to our way of life. What will be the consequences for those who want to spend their retirement abroad after the crisis?
Survey: More than 80% of expats chose to stay in their host country during the COVID-19 crisis
Survey: More than 80% of expats chose to stay in their host country during the COVID-19 crisis
Amidst the COVID-19 crisis, and April International set out to find out what expatriates' responses to the crisis was. We found that while most expats chose to remain in their host country ahead of the crisis, 18% did fly home and another 38% will be heading home once the crisis is over. Find out what else our survey reveals.
Moving abroad after the COVID-19 pandemic: How to
Moving abroad after the COVID-19 pandemic: How to
Some would say that it's too early to speak about moving abroad in the current context, but let's remain objective. While many countries around the world have been seriously affected by the coronavirus, others have managed to control its spread by taking necessary measures. The lockdown has come to an end in many countries, borders are opening gradually, and flights are resuming, under certain conditions. This doesn't mean that you should go right ahead and book a flight, but maybe you could start all over again with planning your move abroad.
Five ways to reinvent your expatriation
Five ways to reinvent your expatriation
You will agree that moving abroad, whether alone or with your family, has never been an easy thing. It's, therefore, crucial to have proper planning, but above all, keep in mind that things won't always turn out as planned. If the global health crisis has compromised your stay abroad, here are some tips for survival.
The top 10 questions that expats are tired of hearing when they announce they are moving abroad!
The top 10 questions that expats are tired of hearing when they announce they are moving abroad!
Do you remember that day when you finally decided to be brave enough to pack up your things and move to a new place? You were all excited and pumped and couldn't wait to tell your friends and family. In the end, many of them were probably very happy for you, but still asked a lot of things you cannot stand hearing anymore.
Can you travel again?
Can you travel again?
Life is slowly going back to normal in several countries around the world. Although cautiously and with different rules, borders are reopening and commercial airlines are starting to fly again. An update on the situation.
Learning the language of your host country: A few tips
Learning the language of your host country: A few tips
Thibauld, who lives and works in Stockholm, has written a guide to help expats learn the language of their host country. He tells about what he has learnt and gives us a few tips.
Cabin or Prisoner syndrome: What is it and how to get over it?
Cabin or Prisoner syndrome: What is it and how to get over it?
After having been on lockdown for several months, you might find it harder to go back to work or experience serious distress or anxiety about things as trivial as going to the supermarket. Do not panic! This is absolutely normal. Here is what Giuditta Petrella, psychologist and psychotherapist, has to say about what is called the Cabin syndrome.
COVID-19: What happens if your visa has expired
COVID-19: What happens if your visa has expired
Today, many expats around the world are worried about their stay abroad, especially those whose visa expires soon or has already expired. Given the current travel restrictions, they are not able to go back home. Many countries have thus resolved to grant visa extensions and other benefits to foreign nationals who are already on their territory, but this comes with certain conditions. Here is what you should know.
How different countries are managing the end of lockdown
How different countries are managing the end of lockdown
After being locked down for two months, many countries around the world have begun to breathe again. Let's have a look at how some of these countries are dealing with the end of lockdown.
Overcoming disillusionment in your expat country: Here is our advice!
Overcoming disillusionment in your expat country: Here is our advice!
Moving to a new country for work, studies or simply out of curiosity is often a thrilling adventure. It is the discovery of a whole new world, with exposure to new cultures and sceneries. Often, the first few exploration weeks are dream-like. But unfortunately, the thrill may subside as quickly as it surged – leading to that very specific statement: this is not what you expected! 
An expat in the USA talks about the coronavirus pandemic
An expat in the USA talks about the coronavirus pandemic
The USA is one of the most affected countries by the coronavirus pandemic, with more than 1.4 million cases and a death toll of over 83,000. While the lockdown is being eased in many countries, it doesn't look like the situation is getting better anytime soon. Anna, a Bulgarian expat, who lives in Chicago, shares her views about the pandemic with
Expats on the first thing they will do after the lockdown
Expats on the first thing they will do after the lockdown
This week is marked by the much-awaited end of lockdown in many countries around the world. The past few weeks have been stressful indeed, so you'll definitely seize the opportunity to do the things you have been deprived of. However, you still have to comply with certain regulations. We have asked expats about the first thing they are looking to do as soon as the lockdown comes to an end.  
Five lessons you've learned from lockdown
Five lessons you've learned from lockdown
For many expatriates around the world, being locked down at home, whether alone or with family, has been a decisive moment. Besides being bored with a quite limited choice of things to do at home to keep oneself busy, you might now be seeing things differently. Here are five lessons that we've all learned from the lockdown.
Managing anxiety and mourning during COVID-19
Managing anxiety and mourning during COVID-19
Given the current travel restrictions around the world, it would be difficult for expatriates to travel in case one of their relatives gets sick or passes away. Managing the situation remotely, being unable to say a last goodbye to a dear one isn't an easy task. To avoid serious repercussions on our psycho-physical state, here is some advice from Dr. Brusadelli. She has worked for many years in Italy, both in the public and private spheres, carrying out numerous collaborations with other mental health professionals. Today, she lives and works in Australia. Lecturer in Clinical Psychology at the University of Wollongong, a coastal city that is about forty miles from Sydney, Dr. Brusadelli is a member of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, the Society for Personality Assessment and the Society for Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Psychology. She is a supervising psychologist in training and an expert in psychodiagnostics.
Dealing with the pressure to be productive during the lockdown
Dealing with the pressure to be productive during the lockdown
When you open Facebook or Instagram, all you can see is bread-making, fitness challenges or people getting in touch with their creative selves but all you can seem to do is work and take care of your children or if you don't have children, re-watching Friends episodes on Netflix. Here are a few tips to deal with the pressure of being super productive during the lockdown.
How to manage your finance after the lockdown
How to manage your finance after the lockdown
Lockdown has allowed many households around the world to save money, but for others, the risk of being fired and having no revenue at all has become a serious issue. With the current economic downturn and the fragility of the global labour market, budgeting is a must today more than ever. Here are some tips to help you manage your finances after lockdown as an expat.