Lifestyle - Expat Magazine

America after Trump: The road to healing for nationals and expats
America after Trump: The road to healing for nationals and expats
On the 20th of January this year, the United States of America will have a new President. It is no secret that Donald Trump, the soon-to-be ex-President of the US has not been very pro-immigration. His policies, whether immigration related or not, has caused a decline in the US' appeal as an expat destination. How will this change under Joe Biden's presidency?
Could Brexit be a blessing for non-Europeans?
Could Brexit be a blessing for non-Europeans?
You might be surprised by the following figures. As of March 2020, 316,000 more non-European citizens arrived in the UK than those who departed. The number of arrivals from European Union countries dropped from 200,000 in 2016 to around 58,000 in 2020. So it's clear that the UK currently looks less attractive to European citizens. But what does this mean for non-Europeans looking to relocate to the UK?
Life in Spain during the crisis through the lens of a British expat
Life in Spain during the crisis through the lens of a British expat
Molly comes from Nottingham, UK. Following a job offer, she moved to Spain in 1998 and stayed in Barcelona for 9 years before relocating to Granada, a beautiful city in Andalucia. The past 22 years and her blog helped her build her image as an influencer and expert about Spain and the UK. Today, she talks to us about how her views about the country changed over the years, especially in 2020, which was a challenging year for everyone.
Where are people enjoying 'normal' end-of-year holidays?
Where are people enjoying 'normal' end-of-year holidays?
Several European countries have locked down and tightened their health restrictions in recent weeks due to a new surge of coronavirus. Celebrations and public events were, therefore, cancelled as gatherings are limited to a certain number. Still, other countries are preparing to welcome the New Year in a more relaxed atmosphere, with social distancing and the wearing of masks as the new normal.
Popular online events to look out for Christmas and New Year's Eve
Popular online events to look out for Christmas and New Year's Eve
This year, Christmas and New Year's Eve will be like no other, with popular events like Christmas markets, concerts and shows being cancelled. Still, you can choose from a wide range of free and paid online activities to keep yourself busy even though you're locked down and away from your loved ones. Here are some tips.
Ten end of year traditions that look weird to expats
Ten end of year traditions that look weird to expats
For most of us, Christmas is all about having a beautifully decorated Christmas tree under which we gather to get our Christmas gifts. It's also the time for family celebrations over a grand dinner. However, your host country may have some unusual Christmas traditions that can surprise you.
What are expats doing for the New Year's Eve?
What are expats doing for the New Year's Eve?
This year, New Year's Eve will be different for most of us, regardless of the country where we live. With lockdown and health restrictions, including travel bans and limits on social gatherings, many will welcome the New Year alone at home or in small groups. Expats tell us how they are planning to celebrate New Year's Eve away from their loved ones.
New Year's Eve: How to keep your traditions as an expat amidst the crisis
New Year's Eve: How to keep your traditions as an expat amidst the crisis
It can be hard for expats to observe their culture and traditions during this festive season. Amid lockdowns and health restrictions, many of you haven't been able to travel back home and spend the holidays with your families. So if you're having the blues of your home country, here are some tips for keeping your traditions and culture alive, though virtual.
Switzerland: An Italian expat's views on the German-speaking labour market
Switzerland: An Italian expat's views on the German-speaking labour market
Sara is a pharmacist specialising in medical cannabis, who comes from Abruzzo. She has been living in Thurgau, Switzerland, for nearly two years now, where she works in an elderly care home. She talks to us about how hard it is to find a job in this part of the country as a non-German-speaking expat, and about the importance of learning the language before relocating.
Sandy feet and salty hair: Christmas in tropical countries
Sandy feet and salty hair: Christmas in tropical countries
If you've recently moved abroad, especially to a tropical country, Christmas will probably be different from what you're used to. But what is Christmas like without the snow and the cold, and a cup of hot chocolate by the fireplace? While Christmas is celebrated in most tropical countries, even in the southern hemisphere, some of them have their own traditions.
Christmas celebration tips for expat kids amidst the crisis
Christmas celebration tips for expat kids amidst the crisis
This year, we'll all be having a Christmas like no other. While some countries are locked down, and others have travel restrictions in place, travelling back home to celebrate with your loved ones is not an option. As adults, we're more likely to compromise with the current situation. Still, for children who are used to celebrating with their grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins, it might be much more complicated. So here are some tips for getting your children into the Christmas spirit amid the pandemic.
From inmates to the blind: Vernon, 19 years of helping others abroad
From inmates to the blind: Vernon, 19 years of helping others abroad
It was a rather unfortunate turn of events that pushed Vernon and his wife, both American citizens, to move to Belize in 2001. But it was never a decision that they regretted. In fact, the couple put their time, knowledge and resources into helping others build a better life for themselves. First with inmates at the Belize Central prison and today with blind, unemployed young people in Panama. Here is his story.
How to get into the Christmas spirit amidst the crisis
How to get into the Christmas spirit amidst the crisis
With the COVID-19 pandemic, Christmas is going to be different in most countries this year. But being unable to go on vacation, to reunite with your loved ones back home, or enjoy the usual events and activities in your host country due to health restrictions and social distancing doesn't mean you should sit down and get bored at home. Here's how you can get into the Christmas spirit even though the crisis is keeping you away from the rest of the world.
What will Christmas and New Year's Eve look like this year?
What will Christmas and New Year's Eve look like this year?
Less than a month before Christmas and New Year's Eve celebrations, many countries are still locked down. Some governments are planning to ease a couple of restrictions in the coming weeks, but they are likely to play it safe. Amid the global health crisis, what are Christmas and New Year's Eve celebrations going to look like?
Expats and their end of year plans amidst the crisis
Expats and their end of year plans amidst the crisis
This year, the festive season is going to be different, with the global health crisis and restrictions all around the world. Many countries have already decided to cancel their major annual events so as to prevent risks of contagion. As some of them went back into lockdown during the past few weeks, there won't be the usual crowds. Expats tell us how they are planning to celebrate Christmas and the New Year's Eve amidst the crisis.
The unusual dishes you might encounter in Argentina
The unusual dishes you might encounter in Argentina
Whether you're a foodie or not, you're probably keen on getting a taste of Argentina's cuisine during your stay. Jerry Nelson, an American expat in Buenos Aires, tells you about some of the strangest dishes you might come across, based on his experience.
What do law changes in the United Arab Emirates mean for expats?
What do law changes in the United Arab Emirates mean for expats?
One of the world's most attractive expat destinations, especially for foreign professionals and investors, the United Arab Emirates recently amended some of their laws in light of the Dubai Expo which has been postponed to next year due to the global health crisis. What are these changes, and how will they affect the lives of expats?
Expats tell us how they feel about the second lockdown
Expats tell us how they feel about the second lockdown
With more than 12 million infections and more than 300,000 deaths, and a second wave that seems to be accelerating, many European countries went back into lockdown in recent weeks. Some of these countries are France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, as well as Greece. We have asked a few expats how they feel about the current lockdown.