HAAD license re-registration process. please help..

hello everyone.  I am new to this forum and was wondering if you can help me.

I'm HAAD RN who recently resigned from my work 5 months ago.
Now, I am planning to be back on track in this profession.
I am so clueless and don't know where to start.

My license status was cancelled prior to its expiration date. Does this mean that it is still valid and I don't need to take the HAAD exam again?
As what I have heard that  I need to re-register my haad license.
From there, I don't know where to start. 
Do I need to process it on my own or I have to wait till I got a new employer?
Up to now, I still don't have a prospective employer.
I think that they are all avoiding me because of my license status which was cancelled.

To all out there. Kindly help me if you were in the same boat.

I will appreciate for your response.

Thanks. ^_^

You have to look for an employer to register your license

Hi I'm dental assistant my HAAD license status is expired. Now what to do can I give exam again or any solution please guide me