Is Kolwezi city safe ?

I am a civil engineer. I have got job in kolwezi city. It is a safe place to work their. Please help me

@ikhtiyarsalman Hello and welcome !

please note that I have edited the title of your thread so that it better fits your search.

When are you moving to Kolwezi ?



After Assurance that kolwezi is safe

@ikhtiyarsalman No need to worry,kolwezi is safe to work,what package and benefits your company is giving you that is more important. Thanks


hello sir , congratulations. Don't worry it's safe.

@salunkhe somnath

Thank you sir .

I h

I am in klowezi my job is very needed can anyone please help ***whatsapp number

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@mdnajmulhasan Hello,

Please create your CV In the Job offers in the Democratic Republic of Congo section.



Yes Kolwezi I very safe and protect

My Sincere greetings.
