Expat news

International student mobility: Trends and popular destinations
Schools & studies
International student mobility: Trends and popular destinations
Despite the impact of the Covid pandemic, student mobility is back on track. In fact, it's on the rise, reshuffling the deck regarding favorite destinations for international students. Last June, Campus France published its study on global student mobility. Here's a closer look at the most popular countries with international students. Where are international students coming from? What regions of the world are the most mobile?
From visas to security: China's strategy to attract and reassure expatriates
From visas to security: China's strategy to attract and reassure expatriates
Faced with an anti-espionage law that worries expatriates, China is relaxing its business visa rules for foreigners conducting business activities in the country. Other measures have been introduced to make it easier to obtain certain visas and residence permits. Here's how it works.
How does the new real estate law in Spain affect foreign tenants and owners?
How does the new real estate law in Spain affect foreign tenants and owners?
Published in the Official Gazette on June 2, Spain's new real estate law has been in force since June 30. The law was urgently introduced to regulate Spain's strained real estate market and facilitate access to housing, especially in "stressed areas". The new law tightly regulates rents and puts tenants and landlords on an equal footing. So what do you need to keep in mind when buying property in Spain?
Visa rejections: The struggle of African international students
Visa rejections: The struggle of African international students
In multiple Western countries, prospective international students from Africa face visa rejection rates of over 30-50%. Data from Canada, the United States and France show extremely different visa acceptance rates for international students from different parts of the world – even if they've all been accepted by recognized universities. Those from Europe and North America are rarely rejected; those from Asia and Latin America have a higher visa rejection rate, while over half of qualified Africans don't manage to get a visa. Africans are often required to submit more documents with their visa application, and they face racism-driven suspicion from visa officials.
New work visas, golden visas, restrictions: The latest immigration news
New work visas, golden visas, restrictions: The latest immigration news
Governments are taking action in a world still facing significant labor shortages and grappling with inflation that is pressurizing budgets. Some are opting to relax the rules for hiring foreign talent, while others are moving in the opposite direction by imposing restrictions to curb immigration. Here's what you need to know.
Italy considers stricter legislation on surrogacy: Are parenthood rights under threat?
Italy considers stricter legislation on surrogacy: Are parenthood rights under threat?
Italy, which already has one of the strictest laws on surrogacy, is taking another historical turn. Does this imply new challenges for parenthood and abortion rights? What is the situation like in other countries?
Which countries currently offer the best expat salary packages?
Saudi Arabia
Which countries currently offer the best expat salary packages?
When it comes to moving abroad for work, salaries, professional growth, and work/life balance are crucial considerations. Some countries are known for higher salaries, while others are making efforts to attract foreign talent with lucrative compensation packages. As a prospective expat, how can you make the best decision?
Why are businesses finding it hard to recruit amid global labor shortages?
Why are businesses finding it hard to recruit amid global labor shortages?
Why are companies struggling to recruit despite labor shortages? In countries like France, Germany and the UK, recruitment difficulties are hampering the dynamism and growth of the labor market. What does this mean for professionals with moving abroad plans? Is it the right time to move overseas?
Canada's quest for foreign talent: Discover the new measures
Canada's quest for foreign talent: Discover the new measures
Canada has been facing a severe skills shortage for several years. Some fields, particularly Tech and innovation, are in a particularly critical situation and are seeking help from the government. The authorities subsequently unveiled new measures to attract and, more importantly, retain foreign talent.
Labor rights worldwide: What has changed?
Labor rights worldwide: What has changed?
The ITUC released its latest Global Labor Rights Report in June 2023, coinciding with its 10th anniversary. What has changed in the past decade? Have there been advancements in workers' rights globally, or have we witnessed a setback? Which are the worst countries for workers?
Countries introduce new strategies to attract international students
Schools & studies
Countries introduce new strategies to attract international students
During the 75th Conference of the Association of International Educators (NAFSA), which took place between May 30 and June 2, education policymakers gathered in Washington to share their plans to attract more international students. The conference's themes were centered around inspiration and inclusion. Countries have recognized the importance of investing in welcoming and training international students to retain talent. So, which countries are currently the most attractive to international students?
Are Europeans pro or anti immigration?
Are Europeans pro or anti immigration?
Immigration remains a central topic of debate in the European Union. As France tries to heal the wounds of a week of riots (late June to early July), discussions about immigration have fueled debates, even though the perpetrators of violence were French citizens. During the same period, the European Commission published its Eurobarometer, analyzing the perception of immigration among Europeans.
Emerging currencies vs. US dollar: Impact on expats' finances
Banks and finance
Emerging currencies vs. US dollar: Impact on expats' finances
In October 2022, the world feared that the dollar's rise would fuel a new inflationary spiral. It was then referred to as the "unstoppable force of the dollar," powerful enough to shake the currencies of major economies like Japan, the Eurozone, and the United Kingdom. However, in December, the tone changed: the dollar experienced a slight decline but remained strong, continuing to be the safe haven of 2023. On the other hand, other major currencies continued to weaken. Nonetheless, some countries resisted, mainly in emerging economies. What are the consequences for expats' finances?
China's new Anti-Espionage Law: How does it affect expats and foreign businesses?
China's new Anti-Espionage Law: How does it affect expats and foreign businesses?
A new law was enacted in China on July 1, 2023. It broadens the scope of what is considered espionage and grants the Chinese government increased authority to address perceived threats to national security. Here's what it means for expats. 
Green Card backlog: Challenges faced by expats in the US
Green Card backlog: Challenges faced by expats in the US
The Immigration Act of 1990 imposed a limit on the number of Green Cards that the United States can issue every year. Currently, about 1 million Green Cards are issued yearly. Most are Family-based Green Cards, while Employment-based Green Cards have a stricter cap of 140,000 per year. Furthermore, a maximum of 7% of these permits can go to individuals from a single foreign country. Such restrictions have created exceedingly long application backlogs for citizens of the top sending countries, namely Mexico, India, China and the Philippines.
Progress and challenges in achieving gender equality around the world
Everyday life
Progress and challenges in achieving gender equality around the world
The 17th edition of the Global Gender Gap, released on June 20, 2023, examines the progress of gender equality across four key areas: health and survival, education, the economy, and empowerment. Established in 2006, the Global Gender Gap Index is the longest-standing measurement of its kind. What insights can we gather from this latest edition? What transformations are occurring in various countries? Are we observing positive advancements or a concerning decline in the overall situation?
H-1B Visa reforms shield laid-off foreign workers in the US
H-1B Visa reforms shield laid-off foreign workers in the US
Diplomatic negotiations between the US and India have paid off for Indian expats in the States. Many of these expats have been affected by the 2023 tech layoff, which put their right to remain in the US as well as Green Card applications, in danger. In June, President Biden announced a pilot program allowing laid-off expats to get a one-year work authorization document while they find another sponsor.
Global immigration: Latest visa developments worldwide
Global immigration: Latest visa developments worldwide
Labor shortages continue to be a pressing issue worldwide, prompting countries to adopt various strategies to attract foreign talent. These measures include revising visa exemption policies, streamlining procedures to appeal to foreign workers, and introducing new visa options. Here are the latest updates on visa-related developments from the past month.

Other Types

What are the challenges faced by expats of color in Asia?
Everyday life
What are the challenges faced by expats of color in Asia?
Who are “people of color”? What is “Asia”? What are these never-ending gazes? This article aims to explore terms that are controversial and raise questions about our relationships with others and with ourselves as expats.
Embracing culture shock: How it shapes you for the better
Everyday life
Embracing culture shock: How it shapes you for the better
Moving to a new country almost always comes with a set of shocks. You may run into them right away or several months and even years into your stay. Out of all the shocks of an expat journey, culture shock is the most known and talked about. There are lots of resources online that will tell you how to manage culture shock, typically labeling it as something negative and unpleasant. But what if the culture shock you are experiencing is actually making you raise your own standards? It turns out that for some expats, culture shock can be a push.
Emerging destinations and shifting immigration policies in 2024
Emerging destinations and shifting immigration policies in 2024
On one hand, labor shortages continue to hinder economic growth in many countries. On the other hand, immigration policies are increasingly selective, prioritizing the recruitment of skilled and highly skilled foreigners. What impact does this have on moving abroad plans? Is there a decline in immigration rates? Which nationalities are most affected?
EURES at 30: A legacy of labour mobility across Europe
EURES at 30: A legacy of labour mobility across Europe
For 30 years, EURES has been connecting jobseekers and employers across Europe. Launched in 1994, this European network of employment services has played a pivotal role in facilitating the free movement of labour within the EU, overcoming employment barriers, and promoting career opportunities across Europe. Check it out and learn more about what this service is about and how jobseekers and employers can benefit.
How career breaks are winning the job game for international graduates
How career breaks are winning the job game for international graduates
Long considered a significant drawback, gaps in a CV are gradually becoming more accepted in the international job market. Championed by young foreign talents and increasingly accepted by employers, career breaks have become a new trend. Young professionals are taking time off to find a better position, whether locally or abroad. How do international job seekers justify their choices, and how do employers react?
New country, new budget: How to manage your expenses smartly
Cost of living
New country, new budget: How to manage your expenses smartly
As you settle into your new expat life, you begin to find your bearings. Between housing, transportation, food and extras, how do you spend your money? What are your priorities for keeping control of your budget?