Expat news

Germany is considering amending citizenship laws to attract skilled workers
Germany is considering amending citizenship laws to attract skilled workers
The German government might soon reduce the number of years of residency needed to apply for citizenship from 8 to 5 years. In addition, dual citizenship might soon be finally allowed for all expats, not just a select few. At a time when the country is suffering from labor shortages, these amendments will likely attract more expats who hope to become EU citizens.
US mid-terms: Democrats rejoice over no Red wave
Everyday life
US mid-terms: Democrats rejoice over no Red wave
The US is witnessing a close battle between Democrats and Republicans. On Tuesday, November 8, American voters were called to the polls for the midterm elections. They had to vote for the renewal of the entire House of Representatives, a third of the Senate, a series of local elected positions; they also had to decide on referendums. The results begin to fall on November 9. There was no red wave but a fierce struggle between the two camps. The proclamation of the final results is likely to take a few more days, but here's what we can already deduce from these elections.
Oman grants visas on arrival to all expats in GCC countries
Oman grants visas on arrival to all expats in GCC countries
In late October, the Sultanate of Oman issued a circular to announce that all legal residents of other Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries can now receive a visa on arrival in Oman. This move will help boost tourism and trade in the Sultanate.
France to review its immigration law in response to labor shortages
France to review its immigration law in response to labor shortages
Ministers of Labor and Interior's announcement of a new immigration law has made a buzz in France since November 3. The two French ministers have outlined the new asylum and immigration law, which aims at addressing the labor shortage and facilitating the entry of qualified foreign workers into France. The bill will soon be presented to Parliament and then to the Senate.
Where will you pay the highest taxes in European and Eurozone countries?
Where will you pay the highest taxes in European and Eurozone countries?
Which are the best or worst countries in terms of taxes in Europe and the Eurozone? The latest Eurostat study leaves little room for suspense. France, famous for its high tax regime, remains at the top of the list but is not the country with the highest tax rate. How does this affect expats and people who are looking to move to Europe? Here is an overview of the study and some answers to questions you might have.
Germany: These sectors urgently need foreign talent
Germany: These sectors urgently need foreign talent
Like many countries after the pandemic, Germany is currently suffering from labor shortages. Hospitality, construction, manufacturing, services, healthcare, engineering and the sciences are all sectors needing foreign labor. The EU Blue Card and Job Seeker Visa are two common employment pathways for skilled non-EU immigrants. In addition, the country has recently announced a new points-based work visa called the Chancenkarte. 
United Arab Emirates: Expatriates soon allowed to own property in Sharjah 
United Arab Emirates: Expatriates soon allowed to own property in Sharjah 
The emirate of Sharjah has just enacted a law that modifies the conditions of access to real estate ownership for expatriates. What do these changes consist of, and what impact will they have on foreign residents? What objectives does the emirate aim to achieve? Does this mean a new opportunity for expatriates?
The United Arab Emirates issues visa ban for 20 African countries
The United Arab Emirates issues visa ban for 20 African countries
In a statement issued on October 18, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) announced that it was suspending the issuance of 30-day visas for 20 African countries and one Caribbean country with immediate effect. Here is the story. 
US midterm elections: How has Biden performed so far?
Everyday life
US midterm elections: How has Biden performed so far?
With the midterms just a few days away, the Democratic party is holding its breath. Will the Biden administration keep the majority? What is the performance of the Biden administration like when we look back on the infrastructure bill, student debt, inflation, and abortion rights, amongst other issues? How do expatriates in the US feel about the current policies?    
Indonesia launches its secondary residence visa
Indonesia launches its secondary residence visa
Indonesia has just reached a new milestone with its new secondary residence visa, which allows foreigners to stay in the country for up to 10 years. The new permit will allow foreigners to reside on Indonesian soil for a minimum of 5 years, provided that they comply with a set of conditions. Here's an insight into this new law and how expats see it.  
Australia's 2022-2023 budget increases immigration funding
Australia's 2022-2023 budget increases immigration funding
On 25 October, Australia's recently elected Labour Government announced its first budget. To solve the country's labor shortage and visa backlog, they've increased the number of permanent visas as well as the funding of the Department of Home Affairs.           
Namibia announces its digital nomad visa
Namibia announces its digital nomad visa
2022 is well on its way to becoming the year of digital nomads. With Brazil, Portugal, and Mauritius among many, the list of countries open to remote workers is growing. Namibia is set to become the newest member of the trendy club of digital-nomad-friendly countries. But what are the characteristics of this Namibian digital nomad visa?      
Thailand to allow wealthy expats to buy a portion of land
Thailand to allow wealthy expats to buy a portion of land
Thailand has been one of the most popular expat destinations for many years. The country recently announced a new property law intended especially for wealthy expats. Thanks to this law, expats would be allowed to buy a portion of land, and not only residential complexes. But while the government expects to reap huge profits from this lawn, there are certain conditions to be met by expats.      
Expats in Sweden in limbo due to work permit delays
Expats in Sweden in limbo due to work permit delays
Due to the delays of the Swedish Migration Agency in issuing Work Permits, many non-EU/EEA expats are currently unable to get a personal identification number that allows them to find housing, open a bank account, receive their salary or even leave the country.      
What are the working hour limitations for international students?
Schools & studies
What are the working hour limitations for international students?
Going to study abroad is a dream for many. However, it comes with a hefty price tag. For international students, finding a small job in the host country is an essential condition to pursue their stay and studies. What are countries' stand regarding this? How many hours working hours are allowed for international students?        
Why do most expats leave Switzerland within 10 years?
Everyday life
Why do most expats leave Switzerland within 10 years?
While Switzerland's great quality of life keeps attracting new expats, a new study by the Federal Statistical Office reveals that most are likely to leave within a decade. This might partly be explained by how integrating into Swiss culture in the long-term presents many challenges.            
New worker pick-up law confuses Malaysian companies
New worker pick-up law confuses Malaysian companies
In September, Malaysia's Immigration Department issued a new policy requiring employers to pick up foreign workers at the airport no more than 6 hours after they land. The lack of clarity and very short time limit left the management of Malaysian companies feeling confused. In response, in early October, the department gave a leeway of 4 extra hours and allowed agents to represent the employers at the airport.      
Austria: Short-term work permits expected to resolve labor shortage
Austria: Short-term work permits expected to resolve labor shortage
Austria is facing labor shortages like many European countries and the rest of the world. As a response, the government announced the introduction of short-term work permits intended for foreign workers with short-term contracts, hoping to attract skilled workers. What are the conditions to be met for obtaining this permit, and what does the Austrian labor market currently look like?    

Other Types

Buying property abroad: Explore your options
Buying property abroad: Explore your options
There are lots of reasons why you may be considering purchasing property abroad. First, owning property comes with stability and security, which is something expats often long for after relocation. You will also finally be able to style your home as you like, bringing in the little decor elements that you hold dear. 
50 reasons to pack up and move abroad
Everyday life
50 reasons to pack up and move abroad
Are you thinking about living abroad? Perhaps you've considered it for a long time but haven't dared to take the plunge. It never seems like the right time due to inflation, rising living costs, and the fear of failing. But you could see these challenges as opportunities instead. Here are 50 reasons (and there are many more!) to live your dream of expatriation at least once.
How being an expat affects your gut health and eating habits
Everyday life
How being an expat affects your gut health and eating habits
We rarely consider our gut health and diet when moving abroad. Before leaving, our minds are consumed with travel preparations. The initial phase of expat life often coincides with a honeymoon period. Then comes the necessary adaptation, where daily life takes over. "The Expat Gut Health Survey: How Symptoms Can Impact Life Abroad," a study by Allianz Care, published on May 29, surveyed over 3,000 expats worldwide and unveils the link between gut health and quality of life.  
2024 European elections: Can expatriates vote?
2024 European elections: Can expatriates vote?
One of the most anticipated elections of the year is approaching. Will the European Union (EU) emerge from these elections more divided, or will it strengthen its unity? As we await the final predictions and, more importantly, the first results, let's examine the voting procedures. What conditions must expatriates meet to vote in the European elections? Are European expatriates living within or outside the EU treated the same way?
Where can you breastfeed as an expat mom? Global rights and restrictions
Everyday life
Where can you breastfeed as an expat mom? Global rights and restrictions
When living abroad and planning to have a child, many factors come into play: healthcare, maternity support, parental leave, daycare, and more. This wonderful life event requires good organization, especially when you're an expat. One important aspect to consider (if you choose to) is breastfeeding, particularly in public spaces. While natural, breastfeeding can be controversial, heavily criticized, discouraged, or even banned in some countries.
Emerging work trends around the world: What expats should expect
Emerging work trends around the world: What expats should expect
A new trend among dynamic employees is working while walking, which not only boosts office performance but also enhances overall life productivity. As awareness of the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle grows, new work methods are emerging. It's also a matter of well-being, essential for better work performance. Here's everything you need to know if you're planning a professional adventure abroad.