Visas - Expat Magazine

Which skills allow you to move to Australia right now?
Which skills allow you to move to Australia right now?
While Australia has chosen to keep its borders closed until January 2021, it is gradually opening up to highly qualified foreign professionals under certain conditions. Early September, the government announced a new priority skills list that should help boost the post-COVID-19 economic recovery. So if you have the right set of skills and you've always dreamed of working in Australia, start backing your suitcase.
New Zealand reopens its borders to stranded expats
New Zealand reopens its borders to stranded expats
New Zealand comes up with good news for stranded expats amidst the COVID-19 crisis. From October, the country is reopening its border to them under certain conditions according to an announcement made by New Zealand's Immigration Minister, Kris Faafoi. What does this mean?
What countries are luring expats with new visas?
What countries are luring expats with new visas?
While many countries are playing it safe regarding their border closures, others are currently introducing new visas to attract visitors and expats, skilled professionals in particular. The United Kingdom has just announced a new visa for healthcare professionals from August 2020. Canada is also coming up with a new bill along the same lines.
What countries are attracting expats amidst the crisis
What countries are attracting expats amidst the crisis
While many countries have chosen to keep their borders until further notice, rejecting all new visa applications, some, like Australia and Canada, are taking a different approach. In fact, Australia has just announced a series of changes regarding student visa applications while Canada is still accepting visa applications in specific categories amidst the COVID-19 crisis. Find out more.
COVID-19: What happens if your visa has expired
COVID-19: What happens if your visa has expired
Today, many expats around the world are worried about their stay abroad, especially those whose visa expires soon or has already expired. Given the current travel restrictions, they are not able to go back home. Many countries have thus resolved to grant visa extensions and other benefits to foreign nationals who are already on their territory, but this comes with certain conditions. Here is what you should know.
The new UK immigration policy
The new UK immigration policy
If you've been following the news, then chances are, you already know that after a long three years, the UK has finally decided to move forward with its divorce from the European Union. One of the main issues politicians promised to tackle with Brexit was immigration. Fearing the loss of jobs for native UK citizens, the government's introduced a new points-based immigration system that'll go into effect on the 1st of January 2021. Thinking of immigrating to the UK after that date? Then here's what you need to know.
Everything you need to know about freelancing as an expatriate
Everything you need to know about freelancing as an expatriate
Paris is the number one city in the world for freelancing, according to Small Business Prices, a British business information site that has released, earlier in February, its ranking of the best cities to become a freelancer. When it comes to professional trends and working styles, one thing is certain: we have entered the age of the ‘digital nomad.' Around the world, professionals are abandoning office life in search of freedom and freelancing - armed with a passport and a laptop, their office might be a hammock in Thailand, a café in New York or a coworking space in Buenos Aires. But what if you don't want to move from place to place? How possible is it to establish yourself as a freelancer in a new country? What about visas and taxes? This article is a great place to start if you're thinking about making the leap into international freelancing.
Ethiopia: What does it have to offer?
Ethiopia: What does it have to offer?
Last week, Ethiopia made history with Prime Minister, Dr. Abiy Ahmed, winning the Nobel peace prize for establishing a peace agreement with neighbouring Eritrea, challenging media censorship, fighting corruption, and increasing women's social and political presence, among others. But what is it like to be an expat in Ethiopia? dives into Ethiopia's profile as an expat destination and speaks with a long-term expat in Addis Ababa for a first-hand insight of what expat life in Ethiopia is actually like.
What's the deal with Brexit?
What's the deal with Brexit?
Parliament has been suspended by Boris Johnson and whether Brexit is a deal or no deal remains to be seen. Keep an eye on the news to find out more about recent developments and what they could mean for the future of UK and EU relations. 
Thailand: Expats petition against enforcement of TM 30 form rule
Thailand: Expats petition against enforcement of TM 30 form rule
The petition has reached around 4000 signatures of expatriates living in Thailand. The latter are seeking the abolishment of the TM 30 rule. That is, the requirement for them to inform immigration should they spend more than 24 hours in another province.
What is a Working Holiday Visa and am I eligible?
What is a Working Holiday Visa and am I eligible?
Want some good news? Australia, which has a working holiday visa agreements with a plethora of countries, has just rolled back the age limit for applying for working holiday visas to 35 years. Indeed, most countries offering WHVs target young people aged 18 to 30 years old. This means that more people can benefit from this avenue of expatriation. But what even is a WHV?
British people are the most open to immigration in Europe
British people are the most open to immigration in Europe
The YouGov-Cambridge Globalism Survey found that the British were the European people the more open to immigration with 28% of those interviewed being of the opinion that the benefits of immigration outweigh the costs.
Five things you should do before moving abroad for work
Five things you should do before moving abroad for work
If you're contemplating moving abroad for work, keep in mind that merely finding a job is not enough. Asking yourself the right questions is essential for a thriving international career. Knowing what to expect regarding formalities to be filled in and the local business culture is crucial. tells you about the main things to consider before moving abroad for work.
Where to get citizenship by investment
Where to get citizenship by investment
Citizenship by investment is an interesting option for entrepreneurs, businesspeople and retirees looking to move abroad or simply to acquire a second nationality. Today, many countries have implemented citizenship programs to boost their economic growth by attracting wealthy foreigners with a range of benefits. Which are the most and least attractive countries for citizenship by investment and the barriers to overcome? gives you an insight into the Financial Times' CBI Index 2018.
11 steps to finding a job abroad
11 steps to finding a job abroad
International employees are usually assigned to manage a project abroad by their company back home, and this is how they find themselves undertaking the adventurous journey of expatriation. However, if you have decided to become a self-initiated expatriate because you wish to boost your career, gain new life experiences, or start over again in a whole new country, read below to find out how to create a game plan for your overseas employment.
From Canada to Patagonia for an eco-friendly lifestyle
From Canada to Patagonia for an eco-friendly lifestyle
Born in the Fraser Valley, close to Vancouver, Sharilyn spent some 20 years in Calagary where she worked with the Red Cross before setting up her own consultancy company. Six years ago, she chose to move to Argentina where she got the opportunity to develop an eco hotel inside a wildlife reserve. Sharilyn speaks to about her daily adventures in Patagonia and everything she likes about the country, from the amazing landscapes to the warm and friendly people.
From Strasbourg to New Zealand on a Working Holiday Visa
New Zealand
From Strasbourg to New Zealand on a Working Holiday Visa
Aby, arrived in New Zealand from Strasbourg on a Working Holiday Visa, grabbing the opportunity that the country offers to young expatriates who want to work in New Zealand with spare time to explore its beauty. There are many reasons why Aby chose New Zealand as her expat destination; one of them is the friendly and welcoming Kiwi people. She talks to about the flexibility that the Working Holiday Visa gives you and the best things about New Zealand. 
The biggest relocation challenges for 2018
The biggest relocation challenges for 2018
A relocation project can be very beneficial for companies thanks to the recruitment of global talent and diversity in the working place. However, it comes with several challenges, which, if not adequately addressed, may not only cost the company a lot of money but also lead to loss of competent human force. Some of these challenges are available support to expat employees and orientation, visa acquisition, travel costs, housing, shipment of goods, and other benefits. Cartus, a provider of corporate relocation services, has assessed the global relocation trends for 2018 and the challenges that companies have to deal with when sending employees abroad.