Cost of living - Expat Magazine

New country, new budget: How to manage your expenses smartly
New country, new budget: How to manage your expenses smartly
As you settle into your new expat life, you begin to find your bearings. Between housing, transportation, food and extras, how do you spend your money? What are your priorities for keeping control of your budget?
Inflation: Why more people are moving abroad
Inflation: Why more people are moving abroad
Moving abroad for a better life abroad isn't a new idea, but its popularity is surging as global economies struggle with persistent inflation. Economic recessions compel more people to contemplate relocation abroad, highlighting a more significant phenomenon than it may initially appear.
Singapore expat exodus: Rising costs push out foreign talent
Singapore expat exodus: Rising costs push out foreign talent
Singapore regularly tops the list of the most expensive cities in the world. In 2023, it tied with Zurich in first place among the most expensive cities in the world, according to the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU). The same year, a report by Mercer called Singapore the best city for expats in Asia. However, in recent years, Singapore has been experiencing a continuous exodus of expats. Even those who have called it home for a long time are starting to reconsider.
The same budget can mean a world of difference for expats
The same budget can mean a world of difference for expats
Today, more and more people have not only the opportunity but also the desire to live abroad. But as you make such a bold decision, you will face various challenges — one of the most important of which will be managing your expenses overseas.
Expats' cost of living: What to expect in 2024?
Expats' cost of living: What to expect in 2024?
With the housing crisis, energy crunch, increasing air and rail fares, and escalating prices for essential goods, it's time for expatriates and regular travelers to find ways to save money. How do you intend to manage your expenses as an expatriate in 2024?
Moving abroad: Financial realities of solo and expat couples
Moving abroad: Financial realities of solo and expat couples
The inflationary economy is forcing us to reconsider our choices when it comes to living abroad. Although you might think that relocating alone will always cost less, this might not always be the case. Couples are advised to consider their plans by using comparison tools instead of just saying goodbye to their partners to move alone.
Understanding the true cost of living before relocating overseas
Understanding the true cost of living before relocating overseas
You're in the midst of planning to move abroad, but how can you ensure that your budget will cover your expenses in the host country? What exactly does the cost of living entail, and how can you grasp its intricacies?
Inflation: The downward trend is good news for expats in Europe
Inflation: The downward trend is good news for expats in Europe
Inflation has been a significant worry in 2022 and the first half of 2023, impacting various countries, including Europe. However, there is a glimmer of hope as recent estimates indicate that inflation is now declining and reaching its lowest points in certain European nations.
New York tops Hong Kong as the most expensive city for expatriates in 2023
New York tops Hong Kong as the most expensive city for expatriates in 2023
Where to move in 2023? Many would-be expatriates tend to scrutinize the various international rankings. Those already living abroad are seeing the effects of inflation on their daily lives. In New York, you have to look twice before you shop. The same applies to other major American cities. Other expatriation hotspots are also experiencing rising prices.
Americans are increasingly attracted to these countries
Americans are increasingly attracted to these countries
Driven by a thirst for adventure, the lower cost of living abroad, and political dissatisfaction, Americans are moving abroad in rising numbers again in 2022, when most of the world's border restrictions have been lifted. Mexico and Portugal, in particular, have recently gained a lot of popularity as expat destinations for Americans, especially digital nomads. 
These are the most expensive African cities for expats
These are the most expensive African cities for expats
Inflation continues rampaging over the world's economies, causing significant rises in commodity prices, soaring real estate values and growing inequalities almost everywhere. Earlier this year, Mercer published its 28th ranking of the most expensive African cities for expatriates, and the results are quite discouraging. Here's what expats have to say about the cost of living in African countries.        
Rising cost of living makes Britons want to move abroad
Rising cost of living makes Britons want to move abroad
The quarterly survey of Totaljobs' Hiring Trends Index indicates that the rising cost of living in the UK, especially an upcoming 80% hike in energy bills, is making Britons keener to move abroad. 13%, who represent 4.5 million people, responded that they are strongly considering leaving the UK. Young people and Londoners are keener on relocating abroad. They cite a lower cost of living, career opportunities, a better quality of life and a desire to travel as motivating factors.
Rising cost of living and job nationalization drive away expats in Gulf countries
Rising cost of living and job nationalization drive away expats in Gulf countries
Since the 1970s, the private sector of Gulf countries has been relying on expat labor. However, as Arab Times and the Jerusalem Post report, expats are now leaving massively because of the pandemic's impact on both the oil and non-oil sectors, the lack of subsidies for non-citizens, and job nationalization. The most affected are middle-class expats, who rarely receive a support package from their employers.
How are expats affected by the worldwide rising cost of living?
How are expats affected by the worldwide rising cost of living?
Health crisis, economic crisis, various political crises, the war in Ukraine, geopolitical tension elsewhere around the world, and inflation. All countries are witnessing rising prices. How are expats coping with this situation? How is the rising cost of living affecting their everyday lives? Could this rise make them rethink their moving abroad plans or their expat life?
Do the world's most expensive cities still attract expats?
Do the world's most expensive cities still attract expats?
Mercer published its annual expats' cost of living report last week. The 2022 edition was particularly anticipated since the Covid pandemic plunged the global economy into uncertainty. Added to that are rising inflation, the oil crisis, the war in Ukraine and political instability. So, where should expats move, and how should they consider their next destination?
The War impact on global inflation and expats' cost of living
The War impact on global inflation and expats' cost of living
In our globalized and interconnected world, the economy, which is just recovering from the pandemic impact, most countries are facing the consequences of the Russian-Ukrainian war. The cost of living for expats and nationals has been increasing in many countries as the UK and US, with the escalation of inflation, while wages and benefits fail to keep up. survey: 51% of Americans abroad affected by spike in cost of living survey: 51% of Americans abroad affected by spike in cost of living
A survey by reveals that 51% of American expats have been affected by the rise in prices over the past year. This crisis would have even led 10.5 % of the American respondents to leave their host country.
Why Asia is becoming more expensive for expats
Why Asia is becoming more expensive for expats
Asia is a popular expat destination, and the increase in remote work may allow more expats to relocate to the region. While some parts of Asia are widely known for their cheap cost of living, the Mercer 2021 Cost of Living City Ranking indicates that certain cities are becoming expensive to live in. The majority of the top 10 most expensive cities in 2021 are in Asia.