Want to live in Dubai with my fiance

Is there a way to be married in Dubai and be legal by UAE law, but not register that marriage in the United States.  The reason being is that we are both Christian, but a work opportunity has come up overseas before our wedding.  We would like to live together while overseas, but want to be married by the Church when we return to the States.  We would like to avoid any confrontation, or possible confrontation by authorities overseas, but have a normal legal marriage in the US when we return after 6 or 7 months.  Bear in mind, I know the moral objections some have, but I am not asking for moral advice.  I would just like to be able to live with my fiance with no fear of being detained and deported.  A marriage of convenience for the UAE.  Is this possible and how is it done?  Thanks for any help you can offer.

If both of you have got the visa then no problem you can live together.

There are plenty of non-married western couples living together in UAE. Just don't advertise the fact.