Evergreen hedges

Hi all, just wondered if anyone knows of an evergreen hedge plant that does well in BG one that's not a laurel, privet, or conifer and perhaps produces a berry that one can eat, I had heard of an evergreen blueberry but can't seem to find any for sale here. Any help welcomed.

Rgds Ozzy

What will grow well depends a lot on where you are, how cold it gets over winter/ how hot it gets in summer, what the rainfall is, etc. Unfortunately productive evergreens are few.

I looked up evergreen blueberries, as I'd never heard of one. There's an evergreen huckleberry, Vaccinium ovatum, native to the west coat of the US. It's slow growing and not very tall, and I can't see any for sale in the EU. One UK seller at 24.99 GBP per plant would make it an expensive hedge, and only for the very patient grower.

Salal, Gaultheria sallow, is another possible fruiting evergreen, but I'm not sure it would survive the summer heat and it's a little too low growing to make a good hedge.

I'll be interested to see if anyone has any good suggestions as I'd also love a fruiting evergreen hedge. I'm planting hazels around my boundary as they grow well where my house is and I love hazelnuts. But not evergreen.


What have you got against laurels and nice conifers?

The Mediterranean or Arizona Cypress is a very popular hedge tree here. And they look very good along your garden wall.

The well-known Box hedge works too (Buxus sempervirens).

You're kinda making life difficult if you rule out all the popular options. :-)

Fruits are a good option, if you don't want something purely decorative, so you might be on the right track with blueberries.

Figs are very tasty... but not really a typical hedging tree. Cherries are not evergreen, but cherry blossom looks very pretty, and the fruit is delicious. They're very popular round my way on the external boundary. Palms are evergreen and have fruit (not always edible)... but not a typical hedge tree either, and you might need to wrap them in winter, unless you find a very hardy one.

Maybe blackberry (bit messy for a hedge), some plum types, elderberry, crabapple, possibly pomegranate. Grapes are delicious and grow very well here, and you can be a real Bulgarian making your own wine and rakia. :-) And the vines are good for summer shade if trained that way. My neighbour has a lot of vines following his garden fence and in front of his terrace. But not evergreen, of course.

Hi all,

Having looked into it more ive settled for either a huckleberry and or a russian olive also known as an oleaster. Now will hunt for where sells them lol.

Both are evergreens, the latter is i am told quick growing and has scented flowers and both provide fruit.

Rgds, Ozzy

I didn't know russian olives were evergreen! It's also very thorny, so would be a good security hedge.

I do think there's a permaculture nursery near Plovdiv that sell it and do Ekont, but their's are quite expensive.