Data flow/saudi renewal/coe

Hi! I need help and enlightenment.

I  worked in a polyclinic in Saudi where I had 6 years of experience. During my time in January 2013, data flow is not yet required to take the prometric exam. I was able to renew my license last year 2018. I was the once who process my data flow. I did not include the COE from the Phils as it has 6 months of experience only with 3 months working gap (09/2007-12/2007 and 04/2008-06/2008). I only processed my diploma, tor and prc for the data flow renewal.

My concerned is one private hospital declined my application in saudi stating that my coe from the phils will be a problem when i renew my license next year. Is it not possible to have my 6 months experience be data flowed together with my saudi experience? Can I not apply again? even if I have 6 yrs experience in Saudi and with active Saudi council?


What happen to your renewal?

Hello ...Do I need dataflow for my certificate of employment here in Saudi Arabia? Thanks

Hi based on my experience if you are nurse technician in your saudi council there will be no problem in renewing your saudi council but you should have data flow of your prc and diploma or school credentials.. but if you are specialist they need your experience cert to be data flowed po .. currently po im working in government hospital with renewing the saudi council only they need a letter that you are currently working and cme hours and payment thats all


Sorry to disturb you. I just want to ask regarding the certificate of employment to be submitted to dataflow. Is it required to submit all the certificates of employment? Or just the recent one? Since I heard it's costly to add documents to be verified by the dataflow. Your response will be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Hello everyone,  I am a Rad Tech ni PolyClinic for 17 years to be exact. During my period when they started having Dataflow,  they asked me only my PRC board rating  board certificate and Diploma. I renewed my license in Saudi council for several times without discrepancy.  Last year October 2020 time for Renewal of my Saudi Council license they asked me my Employment certificate and I'm confident enough to submit for Dataflow,  after 2 weeks that time, I've received an email that my Dataflow report was Unable to Verify.
Now my problem started I cannot sleep and eat well. I contacted immediately the HR in my previous hospital to ask them, for the reason unfindable Employment records because simply said they change the management for three consecutive time since 2004.
I emailed Dataflow to write an appeal for re -verification, they asked me to produce a copy of payslip, attendance record and etc. Where i can find that for long years i never know that small paper is important.
Sometimes I feel hopeless!
Thank you for reading my agony.
Please, could anyone help me!

dchaser1225 wrote:


Sorry to disturb you. I just want to ask regarding the certificate of employment to be submitted to dataflow. Is it required to submit all the certificates of employment? Or just the recent one? Since I heard it's costly to add documents to be verified by the dataflow. Your response will be greatly appreciated. Thanks

it depends whats your profession, if you are engineer then your degree or masters degree is enough,
if technician then minimum one year diploma ,


Did you include all your employment certificates or just the recent one?
@attitude03 employment verification = your experience if ur experience is legit , I would recommend ti add all ...its upto you ... dataflow can be done by you online on their website , not need of any third party agency ...

And if you have too many employers to verify,  add atleast the last 3 if you feel adding all will increase the cost..
@Jerin James
Hi! Thank you for replying to my questions.
@Jerin James
I have tried to put all my queries in one of the reply to your comment. I'd appreciate if you could reply to that comment.
P. s. I got two certificates one is quite old and one that I worked for 1.5 years. So I'm worried that they might object the gap in between the two certificates?

Hello. I am new in ksa. I just arrived last dec. I have submitted my latest coe and i included my very old certification way back 2010. Now i am here already my employer is asking additional coe from 2012 until 2020. What can i do about this. I am very stressed thinking what to do.

@sendz875zarraga how's your application in data flow??


i have same issue with you. any update?


Hello po, i just want to ask what happened to your dataflow? Did they verified ur previous 6 months Philippines working experience? Can u please tell me what u did?


Hi there, i just want to ask if dataflow verified your 6months Philippines working experience together with ur KSA employment? What did you do po?


I am new here and a first timer appplicant to be working in KSA soon and my visa processing is currently pending as  i just started processing my Mumaris account and waiting for eligibiliy number to be released by saudi council but its been more than 30 days of waiting. usually how long should i wait as a first timer?