Farm and agriculture jobs in Portugal

Hi, I am looking for farm or agriculture jobs in Portugal. Which is the best city to relocate to find these kind of jobs. Pls. Help. Thanks.

Hi,  Just a bit of info but a lot of Portuguese involved in seasonal agriculture go to other Euro countries (and the UK) to find work and have done for many years. There is not much all year round farm work as few dairy and they are small due to lack open pasture land. The chances of a non-local getting farm work are very remote unless you have a unique skill which is needed ie expert in Aquaponics. Even things like picking oranges the groves are small so tends not to happen as there is no profit when competing against the agri industry of Spain ( Florida), most farms are family small holdings and even the local olive harvest is done collectively ie you help us pick ours and we help you pick yours then we all send them to the local olive press.

I'm a hard working innovator from Ireland
Irish European Union Citizen = No visa required.
My Iberian Cousin Portugal Will benefit
From my presence , ideas , abilities
And also from the family I plan on creating there.
Tell the foreign workers to follow seasonal work
Across the European Continent.
But don't dare speak it to us Hibernians 🍀
Beautiful Blessed Beloved Portugal Behold
I Shall see you and be with you soon My Love.

ReliableIrishFarmHand37 wrote:

I'm a hard working innovator from Ireland
Irish European Union Citizen = No visa required.
My Iberian Cousin Portugal Will benefit
From my presence , ideas , abilities
And also from the family I plan on creating there.
Tell the foreign workers to follow seasonal work
Across the European Continent.
But don't dare speak it to us Hibernians 🍀
Beautiful Blessed Beloved Portugal Behold
I Shall see you and be with you soon My Love.

As it's been pointed out already there is not enough work for the Portuguese, this is why they work in other EU countries. In fact, a lot emigrated and settled down in the Channel Islands. Even if you are an EU citizen which you are correct you don't require a visa to work, you will not find any farm work.

Copied and understood.
But I will not be depending upon a farm job
To support myself in Portugal.
Only the local farm experience needed.
Insider insight/know thy competitors.
My plan is to buy a 25/50 acre parcel
Of designated residential agricultural land.
Build or renovate to create a family home.
Become my own farmer and employer.
Poultry/Organic crops.
Show you over exposed to the sun Portuguese
How to create design and master all things farming.
Whom better than you're Hibernian kin
To come to the aid of you forgetful Ibernians.
Kindest of regards