Girls Volleyball training in Riyadh?

Hellow! Since I recently moved to Riyadh from a place where there used to be volleyball training courts, I was wondering if I could find any here in Riyadh, since I want to learn volleyball. I'm a girl and I'm very new at this so some help would be very much appreciated! :)

hi.. sorry .. i do not think you will get something like this .. hard luck

Hi hi, I am big fan of volleyball..

I'm from South Africa and an avid player and coach. Will arrive in Riyadh soon.

hi ..
actually we do play volleyball almost every week at one of the compounds in Riyadh city.

Where's the volleyball? I'd love to have a game...

Hi, I have the same question as you. Please anyone answer 🙏. I'm a highschooler and I would like to join a volleyball academy or club but non is responding.