Sports in Pakistan

Hello everyone,

The Olympic Games are now just a few days away and we would like to talk about sports.

What sports are the most popular and/or unusual in Pakistan?

Are sports facilities easily accessible there? Where and how can one find sports clubs in the region?

Are there sports events regularly held in the country?

And you? What is your favourite sport? Which one(s) do you practice in Pakistan?

Thank you in advance,


Only cricket is popular [link moderated].

Haha , yeahh, most likely only criquet prevail . But happily Ive seen more and more disciplines taking the spot . Like swimming , weight lifting and tenis.

At least in my city is a very little city with limited outdoors activities for children . And costly for the average pakistani family income.

welcome to the land where politics is the national sport, and internal issues are the hurdles we jump over every day! Who needs cricket, football, basketball etc  when you've got the adrenaline rush of parliamentary debates and the thrill of power struggles  1f602.svg