Vietnamese girl in singapore

Hi I'm from Vietnam .I'm living at my sister house in Singapore and checking out tourist go place .my sister marry a Singaporean and have two baby's third one coming.I'm here to help out my sis and at the same time get to know more friends out there.

hi hi, how are you ? thanks for your reply ... are you still in singapore now ?

i am rarely in this website, if you have LINE, or Whatsapp, or some kind of phone app, maybe we can chat there.

i have never been to Vietnam before, but would to visit one day ...

Hi Lona Thao. Are you still in SG? I can send you few information on places to visit here in SG (and of course some authentic Vietnamese food, if in case you missed them :-)

Hi thanks for your reply.whatapp me at ***

Hi !!! i am from Australia..Loooking for a friendship. Are you ready for it!!!
I love travelling parties and live life fully.

Anju: This thread has been inactive for over 7 years, and the OP last visited the forum around that time, too. You are unlikely to get a reply here.Please start your own new thread!

@Anju Singh Wuni is my name n I am in Africa (Ghana) planning to visit  Singapore for tourism next month.

Anju Singh, l am also  from Ghana. Now residing in USA. Write to me and let us chat before visiting Singapore next month. Reply to :**


Moderated by Bhavna 7 months ago
Reason : For security reasons, please share contact details through the private messaging system. Thank you
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct

We can chart on dis my Mauritius number, on whats up but am in Ghana +***. I will be very grateful. Thanks

Moderated by Bhavna 7 months ago
Reason : For security reasons, please share contact details through the private messaging system. Thank you
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct

@atta120  OK. I will be very grateful to get intourch with you.

@Wuni Musllin and @atta120:

You resurrected a thread from 2013- and on top of that, your discussion is off-topic.

Please start a new thread of your own (and excahnge contact details only by PM).

I will close this old thread now!
