Room for DR real estate negotiation?

I'm not asking about new construction. Has anyone purchased an existing home? Does anyone know how much wiggle room there typically is to negotiate? If someone is asking $11 mil negotiable , will they typically stick close to the asking price or accept 7 mil? Would they be offended if you made a low-ball offer or is it expected?

I have spoken to a couple realtors. I have not felt that my realtor was working for me. Is there somewhere I can check the comparable sales in the area on my own?

If a home is listed with a realtor, can I stop and talk to them to see if we could cut out the realtor's commission?

There is some room to negotiate but I doubt that much!  Low balling would be seen as insulting by locals. 

Cutting out commissions bypassing the realtor? Not likely. 

As I understand it only the seller pays any commissios to the realtor.

Still has to be paid.