Renewal of permanent resident card

My resident card is up for renewal in June 2024.

I have been told this has to be done by SEF/AIMA and an appointment has to be made online.

As luck would have it. the website is constantly giving me error messages (I can't even login with my credentials)

also I have been to SEF/AIMA in person and all I have been told is “keep trying” to a point that it's now very frustrating and I am not getting any step closer.

Does anyone has similar issues

Hi. Similar issue here. My Residency visa expires in April. Aima have advised that SEF portal is available for those with an expiry date Jan-Mar 2024, however as of yesterday I can no longer login to the SEF portal, and even when I could there was just an error trying to renew my Residency visa.

Aimia are supposedly developing an online platform for automatic renewals, but who knows when this will be ready.

i have been trying for the past month to make an appointment with IRN to have the Residency visa renewed, but have never found any appointments available anywhere. i assume when new slots are made available that they are snapped up immediately.

@Akerstholt54 try using my free instructions and tips! … p=drivesdk

Hi, we're in another thread having the exact same issues, it's seemingly impossible to get a meeting and permit also expiring in May/June so it's needed ASAP. Been to AIMA, been to IRN offices, been to Loja do Cidadao's and tried to phone/call constantly but to no end.

I'm also having issues with SEF login but I thought it was my account/password specifically, sounds like it could be a general problem