Shipping Household Goods

Hi si we are Brexit (withdrawal agreement) Residency Car Holders not yet tax resident in Portugal. But will be this year. So we did ship stuff over in 2016 no issues with tax duties on any goods. So now we will move petmanently due to retirement and wish to shop more houseold goods so how does this work with tax now? i notice you must ship in the first year of residency do we still have this option?


I assume you are shipping from UK? If yes, you can get a baggem cert from the Portugeuse UK embassy which allows you to ship free of duty all your goods if are personal and are owned by you for more than  either 6 or 12 months, I dont recall the exact period, though it may differ depending on the goods, ex a car is 6 months .

However, that said, we shipped all our household goods last year and paid  the duty on them which amounted to a couple of hundred euros only. This was subsumed into the overall costs of the removal by the company we chose.  It was definitely worth it to  avoid the beauracy of  getting the cert which you have to do yourself. The moving company will handle all the importing  tasks for you this side whether you pay duty or obtain the cert.

hope this helps

@roz66 Hi there! Would you be open to sharing a few more details about your experience? We're also thinking we won't do the baggage certificate and pay the taxes on import. Do you know around the amount of square footage of the items you shipped over? And what kinds of categories? I'd like to get an idea if we have a similar amount of items and would pay a similar fee. Also, would you be ok sharing which company you used? It would be great to pay a flat fee and not have to pay separately for taxes. Thank you!