Moving to Cape Verde

Hi all I have just a few questions regarding moving to Cape Verde permanently.

Firstly my partner is from Cape Verde and I currently live in the UK what is the procedure I need to undertake in order to move to Cape Verde?

What documents would I need and how would I go about getting permanent residency?

Would it be difficult for an only English speaker to get a job?

Thanks in advance.

Hi all I have just a few questions regarding moving to Cape Verde permanently.
Firstly my partner is from Cape Verde and I currently live in the UK what is the procedure I need to undertake in order to move to Cape Verde?

What documents would I need and how would I go about getting permanent residency?

Would it be difficult for an only English speaker to get a job?
Thanks in advance.

Hello there,

You did not sign your name so I'm not sure how to address you. I've answered your questions below, or at least given you some information which might be helpful.

Firstly my partner is from Cape Verde and I currently live in the UK what is the procedure I need to undertake in order to move to Cape Verde?

First, you simply fly to Cape Verde as a tourist. You will be issued a 30-day tourist visa. Once you are inside Cape Verde you will never be asked your visa status for any purpose. Therefore you can live as long as you wish and do anything you wish. However, if you attempt to leave Cape Verde without a current visa, you will be fined at the airport. So it is best to either renew your tourism visa or apply for a residency visa.

What documents would I need and how would I go about getting permanent residency?

There is a list of documents, all of which you obtain from Cape Verde's government agencies. There is only one document which you should bring with you from the UK - a police certificate. The list is way too long (18 documents) to list here and furthermore, some of the documents on the list require that you obtain other documents in order to apply for the needed document. So it's complicated. It is best to work with a visa agent who can explain everything and advise you where and how to get all the documents you'll need for your residency visa. Send me a private message for further details.

On which island does your partner plan to reside? If I could give you one piece of helpful advice it is that you MUST NOT apply for your residency visa on the island of Sal. They hate tourists who apply for residency and they will do everything possible to prevent you from getting a permanent residency visa. They are also extremely hostile and rude to foreigners who apply for residency there. They only like tourists who come for a few weeks and then leave for wherever they came from. Blatantly xenophobic in my opinion. If you are going to apply for a residency visa, apply in Praia, the capital. That is where the immigration head office is. They are efficient and bear no grudges against foreigners. So even if you plan to live in Sal then you should spend 2-3 months in Praia, collect all of your documents, make you application, then move to the island you decide to call home.

Would it be difficult for an only English speaker to get a job?

It is almost impossible to get a job in Cape Verde if you only speak English. The official language is Portuguese. English is rarely spoken. Only a few local professionals who were educated abroad, many expats, and foreigner companies (based in English-speaking countries) speak English. Ironically, the hotels in Sal and Boavista which host mostly English-speaking guests are sometimes looking for English-speakiing staff who can better serve the guests. So that's the only real possibility to get a job as an English-speaker in Cape Verde.

Feel free to send me a private mesagge in case you want to discuss further.



Hi I am from Pakistan I want to come Cape Verde to sattel and marry to get permanent residency and citizenship it's possible to sattel and get job in Cape Verde

Hi I am from Pakistan I want to come Cape Verde to sattel and marry to get permanent residency and citizenship it's possible to sattel and get job in Cape Verde


Yes it is possible to settle in Cape Verde. Just come here for a vacation, then stay and you can always apply for residency if you want residency. But you do not need residency to stay here.

Citizenship via marriage is extremely complicated. Why would you want to do than anyway? There is no need to marry to become a CV citizen. Anyone can become a citizen after they have lived in Cape Verde for 5 years with a residency visa!

As far as a job, it will be almost impossible to get a job here if you do not speak Portuguese. English is not spoken here, except in some of the hotels in Sal and Boavista. In Praia, the capital, there are several Pakistani owned businesses. You might be able to get a job with one of them, but that's probably only a plan B.



  hi I want to visit Cape Verde and want to live and work in Cape Verde I am from Pakistan is their anyway I can get job and residence in Cape Verde and there any marriage club to find woman to marry in Cape Verde

      hi I want to visit Cape Verde and want to live and work in Cape Verde I am from Pakistan is their anyway I can get job and residence in Cape Verde and there any marriage club to find woman to marry in Cape Verde         -@Kashifanwar12345

Hi Kashifanwar,

Getting a job in Cape Verde requires that you speak Portuguese (or the local dialect derived from it), and frankly, their are very few jobs and unemployment is very high. So any available jobs are quickly taken by locals.

What most foreigners do is start their own business and learn the basics of the language so they can communicate with employees, and the employees are the ones that do most of the communication and service with customers.

For those who insist on speaking only English, you can find some jobs in the tourism sector working for one of the hotels. However, this requires you live on one of the tourist islands, either on Sal or Boavista, where 85% of tourist visit. The cost of living on those two tiny islands (local population 25 and 10 thousand respectively) is extremely high because of all the foreigners who live there, driving up the prices of everything especially housing.

There are no "marriage clubs" in Cape Verde. And whether or not such a thing existed, how would you meet a woman and communicate unless you spoke the local language?

Best of luck,
