Work with a foreign pharmacy degree

Hello, i will graduate next your from a Romanian university ( europeen country) as a pharmacist. I am moroccan , i would like to know what are the opportunities i have once i graduate.
As a non europeen, i will have difficulties to work in europe anyway, that's why i am thinking of USA.
Do you have any informations about the chances i have to work as a pharmacist in usa or any infos about the process..
i am also really good at english, and french, i don't want to come back to morocco for work, i would like to stay either in Europe or canada/ usa.
i am looking forward for any suggestions

Hi !
I'm also interested to work one day in the USA as a Pharmacist.

In some years, I'll graduate as a Foreign Pharmacist (France) and I can provides you some tips about the process.
Everything is here :
To summarize, as foreign pharmacist we need to pass the TOEFL ibt + FPGEE + Internship (1500hours in average) + NAPLEX and MPJE or CPJE (if you want pratice in California State).

You can finds so many videos on Youtube (just write "FPGEE" and you'll see ^^)

Good luck :)