Am I allowed to enter Kosovo as a tourist?

hi everyone 👋

I just wanna ask if its ok to travel in kosovo this time or the government in kosovo is strictly and not accepting any tourist from other country? im planning to have a vacation in kosovo by month of july this year, but i don't know if im allowed to enter to kosovo. if ever do i need to undergoes for another swab test from immigration before entering the country and have quarantine..?

Thank you everyone for the answer and have a great day🙏


Yes u can travel,so far there's no need of quarantine after u enter here.

Jorgina_21 wrote:

hi everyone 👋

I just wanna ask if its ok to travel in kosovo this time or the government in kosovo is strictly and not accepting any tourist from other country? im planning to have a vacation in kosovo by month of july this year, but i don't know if im allowed to enter to kosovo. if ever do i need to undergoes for another swab test from immigration before entering the country and have quarantine..?

Thank you everyone for the answer and have a great day🙏


Yes. You can enter Kosovo as tourist. Please check PCR requirements before traveling.

Yes you can enter freely in Kosovo and you can stay up to three months without requiring anything extra to do. Right now they are asking for a negative covid test up to 72 hours, but this can change anytime, depends on the situation of the covid situation.
If you need more detailed info about Kosovo and the region please do not hesitate to get in touch...