New Year, New adventure.

Hi all,

My name is David Watson from the UK. I am in the process of relocating for 3 months in Dubai. I am going on a touring Visa with the hope of meeting the right people and potentially find work.

I am a trainee Airline Pilot, or at least this is my dream and I am using this 3 month trip as a break from all working life and hopefully new doors can be opened.
During my time over there I will be planning to meet 3d graphic companies to see of any potential positions and also meet with all flying schools there to see if this is somewhere I would like to go for my next stage of flying. I will also be doing alot of hour building in the aeroplanes there fingers crossed.

I am leaving with the intention to chill and relax and just find myself I guess but at the same time, try and build new bridges.
Is there a set amount with regards money that I would require minimum for a 3 month stay. I keep getting numerous figures that are opposite to each other I am struggling to work out how much I need.
I am not a guy who spends on expensive things or dines out every night. I just need a nice apartment and a metro and food ha.
Hope you can all help and good luck to all on your own journeys.
Kind Regards

I hope you will see yourself in the UAE because it's a great country to ambitious people who like to develop abilities and skills quickly.
have a nice weekend and keep touch.

Mohannad Helewa