The survey on repatriation of expats.

The survey on repatriation of expats.

Hey everyone in Mexico,

I am Anne-Lise from the editorial team at and I am writing to you regarding a survey we're running on repatriation perspectives of expats.

Would you be able to help us out by answering our survey on the attitudes of expats towards repatriation? I promise it will not take more than five minutes!

Thank you and have an excellent end of the week!


I just tried to do it and the screen said "survey is closed" - although this is the first time I'm seeing a request for this survey.

Hi SteveandMarty,

I hope you're well. Thank you for trying to do the survey but it has been closed since the 17th. We are now in the analysis phase!

Thanks so much for attempting to do it and have a wonderful day!

