Visit Visa - Medical Insurance


Am planning to bring my parents on visit visa from India..
As they are aged 50+, i would like to know, if there is any full coverage medical insurance which can be applied locally in Riyadh.
Am using Tawuniya.
Clarify in detail

My father and mother in law were here last year, and the problem we faced was same, there was no hospital covered for OPD and only in case of emergency and in-patients (arabian shield and axa insurance), and even in that those hospitals are covered that are already free for public already like shumesi etc...
in the same way, one of my colleague brought his parents from Pakistan and paid some 100-200 riyal more for tawauniya that covered everything for them and he went to the hospitals several times in their visit and satisfied
I prefer to buy insurance yourself and not with the travel agency (vfs or etimad) as they might do the sales and marketing for the insurance companies and paste on you the insurance that would be of no use, they might say that it would come randomly on the visa and you have to buy it, (that's not true)

Thanks Brother.
Can you able to check with your friend, as how he applied in Tawuniya for his parents during Visit Visa.
If there is any policy name?
He applied here in Riyadh or from Pakistan via Travel agency?

Asslamwalikum bro,

Can you please inform me how to make a insurance for my 1 yr kid, he is coming on visit visa next month. If any details do you have pls share with me. Thanks

Brother can u share how ur frnd arrange the tawuniya insurance by his own and not by the travel agent. As im planning to bring my family next month so need ur guidence. Last time whn i tried to contact the insurance provider no body even respond the call, more like a fraud.. thnks