My sister is 6, almost 7, months pregnant

She has really bloated up and she looks like she might give birth soon. She's living with me and my wife while her husband, whom she met at a marriage tour, is processing papers and documents so that my sister and the child could go and live with him soon. Long story short, I'm the one taking care of my sister together with my wife. My wife and I both have no experience with pregnancy and labor since we do not have a child of our own yet. Just wondering if there are any specific preparations that we must do before she reaches 8 or 9 months? Any suggestions or advice will be appreciated.

Another troll, perhaps the same one who posted about his best friend who ran away from home to marry overseas.

Why ask on a forum as all the information can be found online or from any ambulance or fire station and doctors surgery. A midwife will give you the information too.

information from the headline is misleading. Of course you meant to share that she's between six to seven months pregnant, but upon first glance, most people read headlines very swiftly, deciding whether or not the topic is "catchy" enough or of interest to click on and scroll down to read further information about it, and, therefore, it might have seemed, when they first saw it, that when you said my sister is six, (followed by the little comma after the six) it appeared that you had a 6-yr old sister not that she was six months pregnant, (or more) but that it seemed that your 6 year-old sister was 7 months pregnant and I advise you to reconsider the benefit of rewording the title, by putting in the additional words of her being either 6 months pregnant and then offering it looked like she was 7 seven months pregnant for clarification in the rest of the message, in order to avoid confusion from the title, with how old (or young) your sister is!