EP re-applying or Appeal to MOM is same?

What are the scenarios when an org re applies EP  on rejection or Appeal to MOM on rejection?

Are these two things same?

My EP application status changed to rejected after a month(last week), but the company said they are going to re-apply. (without letting me know the reason of rejection)

Today the status is showing as pending again. Want to understand if re-apply or appeal to MOM are same or in what case the EP can be re-applied?

For most of cases, if your EP application got rejection, a company would lodge an appeal for your EP. However, the appeal may be successful if they have new information to explain the problem/reason why MOM rejects. The re-applying application should be done if they change your role/post and new contract is expected to be made. If not, I do not think that re-applying application would work

After rejection of an appeal, MoM does not accept re-applications for the same employee on the same job, as the decision is final.
Thus your employer would have had to give you a different job and apply again.
Then your chances (and the time it takes) depend on the nature of that new job, and whether the previous rejection reason was due to the old job or not.

How much is the salary offered and number of years of experience?

Seems like EP is approved (thats what MOM site says) but company is not ready to share IPA. They want me to put down my papers first