Best and most convenient means to transfer money Australia to Georgia

G'day everyone,

I have gone down the path of PayPal.  It seemed to be the most convenient method.
Paypal will not allow the transfers.

What is a good method, not expensive, to transfer money. Small amounts. To Georgia where the recipient will be able to EASILY access the money?

If you have questions, please let me know.  There are currently 2 recipients I need to do this for, neither is a business.

Australia, paying to Georgia.

Thanks in Advance :) - Ian

It would be preferred if I could transfer it directly into their bank account (cutting out a middle man on both ends) but PayPal seemed to be the best option.  Each end will have a middle man. Each end can use the middle man, online, to transfer the money from that middle man to or from their individual personal bank account.  ... No need to go to some office to transfer etc.

If the recipent is Georgian, bank. Most of us dont really trust all that fancy paypal and internet stuff and bank still is the most trusted one. If the amount is small it should not cost that much