How to make friends in Ecuador

We have been talking about loneliness when you are abroad, let's now talk about how to make friends (locals and other expats) when you're living in Ecuador :top:

Which are your best tips to meet people and to make friends in Ecuador??

Thanks in advance for your participation

The best way to make friends in Ecuador is to learn Spanish and get to know your neighbors, or as we have done at La Biblioteca Interactive de Baños, volunteer to supply your community needs.   Ecuadorjody

As I mentioned before on a previous post. The trick is finding people that are in your level whatever that may be. You'll be surprised when you find those Ecuadorians that might live even better than you. In which case they won't want anything other than your friendship. Shoman, clearly encounters a basic merchant class of people and therefore has drastic opinions. In fact he reveals his own short comings. Reading many of his posts I realize that he knows a lot but not when it comes to social matters. If you are interested in the economic aspect read his blogs by all means. He knows what he's saying. But, if you want to understand the Ecuadorian social structure and mentality read my posts. It'll help you get along well with the locals and really enjoy your new home.

sh0man wrote:

Ha, let's be real, for a gringo with a little Spanish making friends in Ecuador is a breeze... but, look, this is a poor country, most of your new friends will have financial problems, and be your friends seeing a gold-mine in you... not all, of course, but most...