Expectations and realizations living in Japan?

Before I came to Japan in 2013,(with zero Japanese language skills) I was hesitant and anxious about my new adventure. I'm a fan of anime and grew up watching all the noon time anime shown on TV  and even bought mangas at the shop near my high school. I've always imagine Japan as beautiful and interesting as it was from the anime. Finally, after arriving in Japan and visiting as many places possible, I was proven right. Japan is awesome. I love their culture and love visiting tourist spots whenever possible.

Generally, Japanese people are very modest and polite, maybe from time to time you will encounter a difficult person to deal with but that's just how things are. Just think of it like a Bertie Bott's every flavour beans :) sometimes you get the nasty bean!! But it's all fun!

Overall, my expectations were met:) Except for learning the language, I haven't been concentrating well on my language skills (couldn't do it side by side with work) so my husband is so much ahead of me.

I'd love to read your life and stories living in Japan :)

Yeah... I totally understand your experience. I am teaching at a junior high school and sad to say that's how it is for them. However, there are students who are very eager to initiate conversations in English.

The stereotyping goes not only for foreign students but for all foreigners. Probably,  because of the communication barrier that resulted misunderstandings. Some of them might have experienced something horrible with a foreigner and that leaves an unpleasant thought about foreign people. I also experienced this before and felt bad about it. Let's break the stereotype and just live happily and harmoniously.

Thank you for sharing :)