Brazil working visa- speeding fine

I have been offered a 2 year contract in Brazil, but I have a traffic offence in the UK .It was a speeding ticket and I was given 3 points and a £80 fine 5 years ago. Will this stop me getting a visa to work in Brazil?

No, it won't. The only thing that may stop one from obtaining any kind of Brazilian visa, including VIPER Permanent Visa, is a conviction for a felony (usually which has a sentence in Brazil greater than 4 years, which is the upper limit for one to be available for some kind of alternative sentencing here).

Traffic offenses, except those considered criminal offenses, are not taken into consideration for the purposes of obtaining a visa.

James     Expat-blog Experts Team

Thank you James, I have been really worried, it is my only brush with the law I've had, but when it was declared on my police report for my visa application I have been panicking that I've ruined my career. Thank you so much, I can't wait to start my job over there.
Have a great day!

You actually didn't even need to declare it. They only want to know about criminal convictions or pending criminal charges. Traffic violations are not criminal matters in most cases. Things like vehicular homicide, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, reckless driving, may be criminal offenses, but simple speeding violations are not.


Sounds like an IT job ??