How friendly are people in France?

Hi all,

Don't mean to offend anyone hopefully with this question but I've heard a few stereotypes about French people with regards to foreigners, about some being friendly and others less so.

Disclaimer: Steretypes are wrong etc... and I don't necessarily share the same view. I have also never spent much time in France and would have no reason to beileve that they are not at least as friendly as everyone else.... okay :)

I was just wondering if anyone could share their experiences regarding this, whether they noticed that maybe French people take a while longer to get to know people or ....? whether they are typically very welcoming and generous from the outset.

I was also wondering whether people did actually notice a difference between people from lets say Paris and people from smaller cities in France?

Thanks in Advance!

People in France can be just as friendly or just as unfriendly as everywhere else in the world. In my experience of living in France and knowing French people I find the French to be very friendly, but that's not saying I haven't met unfriendly people while I've lived here.