Does the wind still blow in oklahoma ?

Hello all,

looking to make friends in OKC. Coming out soon.

take care all


Hello Bishi.

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Karen :)

The musical is still correct.  Looking for Italian ladies in OKC?  What will you be coming out as?

it is not a musical

it is a song 'Reba McEntire'

Oklahoma, where the wind comes rushing down the plain
And the waving wheat sure smells sweet when the wind comes right behind the rain


mugtech wrote:

Oklahoma, where the wind comes rushing down the plain
And the waving wheat sure smells sweet when the wind comes right behind the rain

We used to sing that song all the time in grade school when I lived in Oklahoma.

We always did State Fair.

HaileyinHongKong wrote:

We always did State Fair.

Did you get the Judy Garland part?