Work permit - how to I prove my change from maiden name to married?

Can anyone provide any advice?

I am looking to relocate to Beijing shortly from the UK for work and am applying for my employment licence (prelude to Z visa etc).

Have come across a hitch. My education certificates are in my maiden name whilst my passport is in my married surname. I have provided my marriage certificate but this has been deemed not sufficient as it does not explicitly link my pre-married name to post-married name! Additional documents have been requested with no clue as to what would be acceptable....

I dont have any legal UK document which shows my change in surname on marriage (ie one which has both the pre and post name on it). I cant beleive this has not been an issue before!

Any advice on what documentation could be obtained which will help resolve this??



You might have found a solution to your problem by now, I had a similar problem to yours (I live in Vietnam)at the time I applied for my work permit. The name on my UK certificates and on my Spanish passport are different. In my case, the solution was to obtain an affidavit from my embassy stating the reason why it was different (married/maiden names).