Recibo verde

I entered a service in recibo verde by mistake, now I have to pay taxes on a service I did not do. How do I delete the recibo?


Hi @matsomia,

Here's how to do it:

(Translation required)


By mistake I entered a recibo verde while learning the system instead of going to the e-receipts to register a receipt given to me for services provided, a massage, by a business. I was charged 54 eu for the vat and a penalty for 24 eu. I went back into the system and removed the recibo verde, but too late. I had to pay the fee. How do I claim those money back? Again, for clarification, I do not work in Portugal, it was supposed to be an e-receipt I wanted to register for a large amount and not a service performed by me. I submitted a complaint, I believe I did it correctly, but have not heard anything back. Thank you for your help, if you can provide it.

Complain here: … PedidoForm

Imposto ou área = IVA

Tipo de questão = Pagamentos

Questão = Coimas-Anomalias

Assunto = Write "Queixa sobre IVA e Coima pagos sobre recibo verde anulado"

Descrição = describe your complaint