Estimated time for bank account opening in Portugal

Hi everyone,

What is the estimated time for bank account opening in Portugal, for someone who is living outside Portugal?

Hello osmanaboud,

Welcome to 1f601.svg

Please note that I have created a new thread with your post for more visibility on the Portugal forum.

However, I encourage you to provide additional details on the topic to ensure that other members have a clear understanding of your inquiry.


Cheryl team


I did mine in London by just making an appointment at an MilleniumBCP office there, taking some paperwork/passport/ a few  euro to deposit and they opened the account at my chosen bank branch in Portugal based on an UK address, so maybe an hour?  ATM card arrived in post a few days later.  You probably need a NIF (tax code) beforehand

It is not possible to open an account if the holder's origin is from certain countries.... pay attention to this.