Expat confidence: has the pandemic changed our perception of travel?

  • air travel
Published on 2021-08-10 at 10:00
Many expats have seen their plans fall apart over the past year, with borders closing and lockdowns in place. Staying put has been the easiest and often the best thing to do, as we were all eagerly waiting for better times. As things are now finally starting to look up and international borders are re-opening, we can't help but wonder: are expats actually still keen to work and move abroad? 


Wanting to find out the answer to exactly that question, Health Care Company Aetna International recently conducted a survey in which they asked expats in four popular locations around the world what their thoughts currently are on moving abroad. 

Interestingly enough, it turns out that over 75% of those questioned still seem highly confident about continuing their lifestyle: 

Country            Confident to continue living as an expat

Singapore         88%

UAE                  87%

Mexico              70%

Germany           64%

While most of the respondents admit that they did face concerns during the pandemic - mainly in regards to the well-being of family members and having access to quality healthcare - those who were living abroad also expressed to have adopted a healthier lifestyle during Covid19. This Expat Experiences Survey from 2020 even shows that over 60% felt forced to make better food choices while being abroad, and 43% claim to have been exercising more than they did pre-pandemic. 

So the confidence seems to be there, and after a year of staying put, it's safe to say that many of us might actually be desperate to travel again. But taking that leap can seem scary as there are still so many uncertainties in place. There are, however, a few very good reasons not to wait too long with planning your next move.

Opportunities arising

Even though not everything is back to normal yet and a lot of question marks remain, the pandemic is also forcing governments to review and perhaps ease and adjust their policies in regards to re-welcoming international visitors. As countries have suffered an immense financial blow in 2020 and 2021, many of them are understandably eager to welcome foreigners back now border restrictions have been lifted. Various nations (such as Mauritius and Costa Rica) have therefore introduced so-called “digital nomad visas”, with which remote workers are encouraged to comfortably live and work abroad for a period of 6 to 12 months. 

Another example of a country easing its visa regulations is the UAE, where skilled workers are now able to apply for citizenship. And while Australia is still a far cry away from opening its borders to international visitors, the country is trying its best to convince those remaining expats to stay by making it easier for them to extend the validity of their visas. 

Remote working made easier

Aside from toned down visa restrictions, the pandemic has created another opportunity for those eager to work abroad. As a large portion of office workers has been forced to work from home, employers have experienced first-hand that work is not necessarily done best in an office building. Expats are therefore no longer bound to one specific desk and can move around frequently, making it easier to continue their lifestyle. This creates flexibility even during lockdowns or unexpected outbreaks: should certain borders close again, work can continue in another country without interruption or problems. 

As some expats might feel like their lifestyle has been “on hold” for the past year, things are looking up, and many are eager to hit the road again. Even though plenty of uncertainties remain, flexible visa policies and the normality of remote working might have made “now” the best time to return to the expat lifestyle. And this is great news for that 75% that has never let down their confidence and trust in regards to their way of life.