Work - Expat Magazine

The most attractive cities to Millennials
The most attractive cities to Millennials
Millennials demand flexibility at work, push off marriage until they have established their career and have become financially stable, and are more interested in experiences than homeownership. These digital, entrepreneurial, and well-travelled young people cherish change and are keen to take up the challenge of relocation. But where do Millennials flock to, and what are their criteria for liking a place? Nestpick, a global accommodation website, has ranked 110 cities based on professional opportunities, good quality of life, tolerance, and recreation. Here are the five most popular urban centres among Millennials for this year.
11 steps to finding a job abroad
11 steps to finding a job abroad
International employees are usually assigned to manage a project abroad by their company back home, and this is how they find themselves undertaking the adventurous journey of expatriation. However, if you have decided to become a self-initiated expatriate because you wish to boost your career, gain new life experiences, or start over again in a whole new country, read below to find out how to create a game plan for your overseas employment.
Top five countries for soft power
Top five countries for soft power
A country's attractiveness is defined not only by its economic growth and political stability but also by many other factors such as engagement, culture, education, and innovation, among others. The Soft Power 30 index measures the performance of 30 countries based on these indicators. gives you an insight into the top five countries for soft power.
An insight into the international travel and tourism industry
An insight into the international travel and tourism industry
The international travel and tourism industry largely contributes to the global economy, making for 10.2% (or about USD 7,6 trillion) of the annual global GDP. In 2016, the sector accounted for one in ten jobs on the planet, creating 292 million positions — a number which corresponds with the 1.2 billion international arrivals during the same year. While we have been used to North to North travel, outbound travel from Africa, the Middle East, and Asia-Pacific is overgrowing. Here's an overview of a sector that generates high-quality employment opportunities, bridges people and cultures, and has the potential to promote the protection and restoration of our planet's ecosystem.
Why America's childcare system needs transformation
Why America's childcare system needs transformation
Working parents in the United States are facing daunting hurdles to find high-quality and affordable care for their children due to the country's inadequate childcare system. Each state has a unique setting, but what all states have in common are the high cost of childcare and the difficulty to access a system whose priority is not the welfare of parents, children, and professional carers.
A glance at the workforce in Europe
A glance at the workforce in Europe
Prosperous economies, abundant career prospects, and great cultural diversity make Europe one of the best places in the world for work. In fact, the continent has been attracting foreign professionals from all around the world for many years. The Workforce View in Europe 2018 analyses current mobility trends and challenges faced by the European workforce. If you're looking to work in Europe, here's an insight into this report published by ADP.  
Where in the world you will enjoy city life to the fullest
Where in the world you will enjoy city life to the fullest
Whether you are a wholehearted urbanite, or you are about to move to a big city, here's a list of the top ten places in the world for a fulfilling city life. Time Out has surveyed 15,000 city-dwellers about the ways they have fun in their city, the cost of living, their lifestyle satisfaction, and the qualities of the people who surround them, and has composed a list of 32 inspiring cities. is presenting to you the top ten most exciting cities to live in, where each day can be a new adventure.
The six most innovative countries in the world
The six most innovative countries in the world
Looking to launch an innovative startup overseas? Which are the most attractive countries for entrepreneurs and where are you more likely to thrive? To help you choose your next destination depending on opportunities available and support you will benefit from to set up your business, gives you an insight into the world's most innovative countries according to the Global Innovation Index 2018.
The gender pay gap in the global workforce
The gender pay gap in the global workforce
Today, the number of women seeking new career prospects overseas is on the rise even though some are merely content with being the trailing spouse or stay-at-home mum. Which are the place and importance given to women in the global workforce and where are they more likely to enjoy the same rights and benefits as men? gives you an insight into the Women in Work Index 2018 published by PricewaterhouseCoopers.
How to make your internship abroad a success
How to make your internship abroad a success
Doing an internship abroad is often associated with some kind of stress regarding everything that's new, especially when you're moving for the first time in your life. However, adequate planning can turn this professional experience into one of the most amazing adventures of your life. To guide you, here are some tips for making your internship abroad a success.
Where to live, work and invest in Europe
Where to live, work and invest in Europe
Moving abroad is usually motivated by the quest for better quality of life, new career prospects, whether you're looking to work or invest, including factors such as inclusion, innovation, etc. If you're looking to relocate to Europe, which is the best city depending on your project? To help you choose wisely, gives you an insight into the best cities to live, work, or launch your startup according to the Dynamic Cities 2018 report published by Savills Investment Management.
From Canada to Patagonia for an eco-friendly lifestyle
From Canada to Patagonia for an eco-friendly lifestyle
Born in the Fraser Valley, close to Vancouver, Sharilyn spent some 20 years in Calagary where she worked with the Red Cross before setting up her own consultancy company. Six years ago, she chose to move to Argentina where she got the opportunity to develop an eco hotel inside a wildlife reserve. Sharilyn speaks to about her daily adventures in Patagonia and everything she likes about the country, from the amazing landscapes to the warm and friendly people.
Top countries where to boost your career in 2018
Top countries where to boost your career in 2018
The world's economic superpowers such as the USA, Germany, China, and Japan are the first countries that will probably come to your mind if you're looking to boost your career overseas. However, have you thought about your chances of being hired abroad according to the skills in demand? To help you choose your next destination, gives you an insight into current global recruitment trends according to a recent survey conducted by Manpower Group in 44 countries around the globe.
Millennials: Poorer than their parents?
Millennials: Poorer than their parents?
To understand how generations interact with one another, the Resolution Foundation, a British think tank, has convened an Intergenerational Commission. While generations share common living space — whether it is in the form of family or the broader society — the IC is studying how they can live better together, and how the younger population can be better off than their parents. Going beyond the unlucky timing of the global economic crisis, the side effects of which Millennials have felt the most, IC is trying to renew the social contract between generations.
10 lessons expat life will teach you
10 lessons expat life will teach you
Moving overseas will initially fill you up with excitement about the adventures to come, and gradually may bring up worries about practical matters. Regardless of how easy or tough the reality is during your time abroad, expatriation will be for sure a growth experience, from which you will learn a tone of things about yourself and your interaction with the world.
From the sunshiny mediterranean to the icy northern Europe
From the sunshiny mediterranean to the icy northern Europe
Marietta from Greece started her expat journey seven years ago when she went to Denmark for her Master's degree and then to the Netherlands as a research assistant. Today, she is based in Kuopio, a densely populated city in Finland, famous for its beautiful forested area and Lake Kallavesi, which surrounds the town. After two and a half years in Finland, Marietta may still struggle with the cold weather, but she has found joy in outdoor activities and of course, her PhD. 
10 ways to empower your trailing spouse abroad
10 ways to empower your trailing spouse abroad
Have you just heard the news of an awesome job offer abroad? This is everything you wanted to progress your career and rediscover yourself through the challenges and rewards of expatriation. Thankfully, you aren't alone in this project; your partner is determined to travel the extra miles and start anew with you. However, evidence shows that overseas contracts are very likely to break due to the accompanying spouse's and the dependents' lack of adjustment. We believe that with an honest pre-departure conversation and ongoing support during the assignment, expat life can be accommodating and exciting for everyone involved.
How trustworthy are the institutions of big expat destinations?
How trustworthy are the institutions of big expat destinations?
For the 18th year in a row, Edelman has published the latest trust and credibility survey, which measures the population's trust in institutions and sectors in 28 countries around the world. The most common worries among international respondents are fake news and the lack of credibility of media organisations, which are the least trusted institutions for the first time in the Trust Barometer history. On the other hand, the opinions and knowledge of journalists, analysts, and entrepreneurs are gaining credibility among the general population.