Lifestyle - Expat Magazine

Doing business: Which countries make it easy?
Doing business: Which countries make it easy?
Whether you are thinking of expanding your business or setting up abroad, the World Bank has assessed the ease of doing business across the world. While you should probably steer clear of the likes of Venezuela, Libya, Eritrea, and Somalia, we have taken an in-depth look at 2017's top five countries to do business in, as well as what a country can do to make conducting business easier.
Simple steps to a sustainable business
Simple steps to a sustainable business
Sustainability has become a keyword for businesses, but what can you do to help make your business more sustainable? There are a few simple steps you can take that will help you move towards a more sustainable business model. From recycling to community projects, a few changes and developments can make your business more environmentally-friendly and socially conscious.
Vegan-friendly cities: Which are they?
Vegan-friendly cities: Which are they?
There was a time when being vegan at a restaurant meant having a salad (possibly even without dressing). However, times have moved on, and more of the world's cities are catering to those who have chosen (for religious, personal, or ethical reasons) to eschew meat. Here are just a few of the countries with cities offering the best of vegan cuisine.
5 easy ways to expand your social network
5 easy ways to expand your social network
We all have this one person among our colleagues, friends, or family that's known as “social butterfly” for their networking skills, dynamic personality, and charismatic social interactions. But you can do it too — grow your network, and therefore grow your chances of finding useful information, support, and exciting job vacancies!  
The world's 5 most sustainable companies
The world's 5 most sustainable companies
To remain competitive while trying to make the world a better place, companies must integrate sustainable development at the heart of their strategy. The United States of America, France, the United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, and the Netherlands host some of the world's most affluent and sustainable companies. To guide and inspire you throughout your move abroad as an employee or entrepreneur, gives you an insight into the world's five most sustainable companies.
How does the world feel about immigration?
How does the world feel about immigration?
While the world is in the middle of a refugee crisis, more and more people are choosing to move abroad for better career prospects, a better quality of life, or for the sake of an adventure. But what are the global views on immigration and the refugee crisis? gives you an insight into the Ipsos Global Views on Immigration and the Refugee Crisis report.
12 countries in 12 months: The story of an ardent digital nomad
12 countries in 12 months: The story of an ardent digital nomad
A few months ago, Justin Poore took up a challenge — to bid farewell to his regular life, and live in 12 countries in one year. Justin travels light, but there are two things he never leaves behind — his passion for video making and his work. Currently, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, this digital nomad has a lot more to see and do! Let's get a glimpse into his never-ending adventures.
10 most gay-friendly countries
10 most gay-friendly countries
Moving abroad can be a complicated decision to take for LGBT expats. Some countries – especially those in Europe and North America – may be more welcoming and tolerant than others regarding LGBT rights. To help you choose your next destination, gives you an insight into some of the world's most gay-friendly countries.
The best and worst countries for travellers
The best and worst countries for travellers
If travelling is your favourite hobby, you're probably pondering on your next destination. However, there's much more to traveling than just adventure, meeting new people and discovering new cultures; you should also consider your safety and security when choosing your next stop. gives you an overview of the safest and the most dangerous countries, according to the World Economic Forum's Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2017.
5 misconceptions about expat life
5 misconceptions about expat life
When you first move abroad to live as an expat, you are probably too thrilled with your new life to bother with what other people think about expats — misconceptions are unfortunate but who says you cannot break them? Here are some of the most common myths around expat life that you may notice passing from person to person, and the reality behind them. Don't let misinformation distract you from moving abroad and achieving your expat goals.
Nomadism: The way to freedom
Nomadism: The way to freedom
What is better than having the opportunity to earn a living while travelling around the world? The lifestyle of a digital nomad has its ups and downs but first and foremost is rewarding, and it gives you the freedom to discover new cultures, meet interesting people, and create the life you want to live in. Sanne, a digital nomad and blogger, has been living on her own terms for nearly a decade and speaks to about her nomadic journey.
The world's top financial centres
The world's top financial centres
If you are looking to move abroad for work or to set up a business, you may not be seeking the most pristine beaches or warmest climates, but rather international business hubs. The Global Financial Centres Index (GFCI) is a bi-annual ranking that lists the world's leading financial centres. We've taken a look at the results of the 22nd index.
5 reasons to be happy in a provincial city
5 reasons to be happy in a provincial city
When you think of your expat life abroad, it's very likely that your mind is filled with images of your destination's biggest and most vibrant cities — New York City for the USA, London for England, Tokyo for Japan. However, if your expat adventure is about to start small, is presenting you with the pros of living in a small city while abroad.
The world's most generous countries
The world's most generous countries
Devoting yourself to others voluntarily – be it your time or money – can have a significantly positive impact on a community as much as on you, whether you're abroad or in your home country. But what is the global giving trend? takes a look into the world's most generous countries according to the CAF World Giving Index 2017.
Tips for learning a new language abroad
Tips for learning a new language abroad
Some of the most well-prepared expats may begin the process of learning the language of their destination well in advance of leaving for their new life abroad, but, for the rest of us, it can be hard to find the time while preparing for a big move. If you are not already fluent or knowledgeable of the language spoken in the host country you have moved to, there are many things you can do to help you pick it up as quickly as possible.
Dealing with reverse culture shock
Dealing with reverse culture shock
Moving back home isn't as easy as it seems, especially if you've been away for a couple of years or more. People who repatriate are often likely to feel different – and even uncomfortable with many social aspects of their home country. Virginie, a French expat who had been living in Turkey, talks to about the reverse culture shock she experienced when moving back to Paris, and gives out some tips on how to cope with it.
Our top 5 expat bloggers in China
Our top 5 expat bloggers in China
China is a vast country with culture and cuisines that vary among regions, provinces, and cities. Wherever you are thinking of moving to in China, we have selected some of the most helpful blogs from expats who have already set up shop there. With everything from advice on expat life to living in China as a multicultural family, you're sure to find something for you.
How to help your child thrive in their school abroad
How to help your child thrive in their school abroad
When you started your expatriation project, no one said it would be easy (but you knew it would be rewarding) — and when the rest of the family is joining in, there are more things to consider and take care of. While there are many childcare and schooling options abroad for all levels and curriculums, the adjustment period of your children first, in a foreign country, and second, in a new school might be challenging. has put together some pieces of advice for the parents who are about to begin their expat adventurous with children at school age.