Safe city to move with a family


We have been considering a move to Latin america for a while now and someone suggested we look at Argentina. As I read we are eligible for the rentista visa.

Moving as 2 adults and 2 kids.

Safety is our biggest concern of all. We want our kids to be able to be a bit independent there. Oldest is 10 youngest is 7.

Any suggestions for rural cities where there is a good sense of community and nice natural beauty.

Our kids online school which as I read is OK in Argentina.

My wife and I have been in Argentina for over a month. As a retired grandfather of 3,  I would recommend Argentina over most countries. The quality of life, culture, moderate climate, architecture. Also affordable if you're paid in dollars or euros. I've traveled through the United States, Europe, Central America, Mexico and the Caribbean. The people are warm and passionate and the country has much to offer.


I say this as a US expat of 20 years in Argentina. Please believe me when I tell you that I say this with the best intentions, the desire for honesty, and the desire that you find the best for you and your family in life. Safe city with a family in Argentina? There is NO SUCH THING!! I'm quite sure that this is not what you want to hear, but it's what you NEED to hear. Don't make the mistake of relying upon official statistical data. A HUGE portion of crime, even VIOLENT crime is not reported by victims in Argentina because the average person has NO confidence that anything will be done about the crime of which they are the victim, especially considering the corruption of the police in Argentina, and they actually fear retribution for reporting the crime. I don't want to crash your party. I just care about you and your family. I could write a novel on what has happened to me and my wife in Argentina in the last 20 years. I believe that my wife being alive in spite of crazy criminals is truly a miracle of God. LONG, LONG story short, there were two bullets striking the street next to my wife's head in the street where she had been thrown. That is only one of several traumatic experiences of my wife. I have been robbed at knife point where I worked. We have a house alarm, community alarm, private security, two German Shepherds trained in personal defense, 360% camaras around out house with 15 foot concrete walls and other measures which I can't mention here for legal reasons. We still can't sleep at peace at night in our own home. We are currently working on plans to move back to the US.

PLEASE.... for your sake, trust me my friend.... if safety is of your utmost concern.... Argentina is the LAST PLACE you want to live. Don't even get me started on the laws about justified self-defense. If you shoot someone that has broken into your home.... just plan on spending the rest of your life in prison.

I know this post is VERY pessimistic. BUT, it's with love. I hope it's helpful to you.


How can you in good conscience recommend Argentina at this point? It is EXTREMELY dangerous, and the situation of inflation in comparison to the exchange rate is an outrage.